How men could make themselves useful to Katarina Kroslakova.

How could you make yourself more useful to Katarina Kroslakova while she is traveling on business? Katarina spells it out: Quit hitting on me and help me out

Has anyone ever helped pop my bag up into the overhead compartment? Nope. Have I seen any other woman helped? Nope.

This week, an engineer in his 50s just stood there in the aisle, his hands clasped, as I played Olympic weight-lifting with my suitcase right in front of him. Just stood there, looking intently at the sticky carpet. Probably afraid to chip a nail or something.

Articles like the above (and this one) are interesting not because the author is so stuck in her own head she can’t see how absurd her childish demands are, but that her editor didn’t see the problem either.  It is also worth noting that Ms. Kroslakova’s problem isn’t that men are afraid of being useful to her, or even that this is a movement designed to teach women a lesson.  Her problem is that this is the entirely foreseeable cultural change feminists like her have been championing.

She may not like the fact that men twenty years her senior don’t feel the need to lift the bag a 30 something businesswoman overpacked, and she may be unhappy after the first year of her marriage, but the feminist genie isn’t going back into the bottle any time soon.  


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