Don’t overlook single mothers.

Following The only real man in the room I’ve been trying to track down replacements for the Pastor Driscoll sermons which are disappearing from the web.  I finally found a replacement video and two transcripts for the sermon I quoted at the top of Fragging Christian Headship.  That sermon is the second part of a two part series on men, women, and marriage.

In the end of Part 1, Women and Marriage, Driscoll chastises Christian men who desire a wife who doesn’t come ready made with another man’s child, explaining that God may not wish this.  He also explains that today’s unwed mothers (and I presume divorcées) are what Paul had in mind when he discussed “widows” (emphasis mine):

I’ll say one more thing, and that is for those of you men who are single, don’t overlook single moms. Don’t overlook single moms. Paul talks about this at the end of Timothy, where he talks about there are some godly single moms, he calls them widows, who should not be overlooked. But some men are looking for sort of a particular script they have written out. They want a woman just to show up, who meets the criteria and can read the lines. That’s not what God might have for you. Don’t overlook the single moms, and don’t overlook the opportunity to do what Joseph did for Jesus and that is to adopt a child that is not your biological child, and to raise them lovingly as Joseph did for the Lord Jesus. And so, this is a huge part of our theology as well and I would exhort the men not to overlook the single moms.

This confirms that Driscoll wasn’t just drunk tweeting when he made the same basic statement over twitter.  To Driscoll, there is a serious problem with Christian men having the unrealistic, and even unChristian expectation that their Christian bride won’t come with another man’s children.

See Also:  Newspeak: scrubbing the English language.

Moderator’s Note:  A small minority of commenters have recently used any and every opportunity to take the discussion off topic by inciting Catholic/Protestant division.  Since this post indirectly references Mary I imagine the temptation to incite division will be higher than usual.  If you are part of this small minority, please understand that all but the most uninformed Catholics and Protestants already know that there are differences of belief regarding Mary, and resist the compulsion to announce that you personally disagree with either side.

Also, I’ll probably have a few more short posts and perhaps one longer post this week from the Driscoll content I’ve read while searching for replacement versions of removed sermons.  If I do a longer post it will probably be over the weekend.


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