Guilty until proven innocent, and nothing proves you innocent.

In the wake of mattress carrying Emma Sulkowicz’s claim of rape falling apart, Emma Gray at the Huffington Post has created a chart to detail what kinds of situations would indicate that a man accused of rape should not be presumed guilty.  According to the flow chart there is no scenario where after being accused a man should no longer be presumed guilty.  Once the accusation is made the man is presumed guilty, and nothing the accuser does or says should undermine that assumption.  As Gray explains, we shouldn’t get caught up trying to see if an accusation is truthful or not, because somehow this is unfair to the accused:

Instead of picking apart the narratives of every woman (or man) who comes forward with claims of assault, let’s put that time and effort towards reforming policies that do a disservice to both survivors of assault and those they are accusing.

There are no perfect stories. There are no perfect victims.

Based on this, I would say the only way to not be presumed guilty of rape is to either not be accused, or not exist.


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