Bombs away.

Frequent readers of Vox Day will already know about the move by Social Justice Warriors to turn Science Fiction into a SJW fiefdom.  Today Vox and the Dread Ilk are fighting back, with a book bomb:

Today we are Book Bombing the three suggested novellas from the Sad Puppies slate. These are novellas that the Evil Legion of Evil thinks are great, and should be considered for fancy awards. No gimmicks, no BS, just awesome stuff.

How a Book Bomb works is that we try to get as many people to buy them off of Amazon in the same day. Because they have a rolling average best seller list that updates hourly, this causes the book to move up the list. The higher it gets, the more people outside the Book Bomb see it, and check it out too. Success breeds success, and best of all, the author GETS PAID.

I took Vox’s advice and ordered One Bright Star to Guide Them.  For a mere $3 I get to check out John C. Wright’s writing and help out a good cause.  If you think you might be interested, see the full post over at Vox’s blog.


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