Chick porn

In noticed this yesterday as number eight in the Kindle top 100 paid list Prick: A Stepbrother Romance.  The book description reads:

I can’t stop thinking about that prick.

Caulter Sterling is a prick.

A filthy-mouthed, womanizing, crude, spoiled, arrogant prick.

The tattooed, pierced, panty-melting-hot son of a celebrity.

I hate him.

He’s slept his way through practically every girl at Brighton Academy.

Except for me.

I’m the good girl. The responsible girl. The 4.0, class president, studied-so-much-she-never-lost-the-big-V girl.

And in celebration of graduation and adulthood, I just made the worst decision in the history of ever.

I lost my V-card to the devil himself.

It was just one night. So what if it was mind-blowing? Hit it and quit it.

Except I just found out that my father – the Senator, the Presidential hopeful – is marrying Caulter’s mother. Oh, and this summer? We’re hitting the campaign trail.

One big happy family.

I’m totally f**ked.

What is fascinating is the contrast between our deep cultural belief that women are sexually pure by nature, and the shameless consumption of porn by women.  Prick has moved from number eight to number 11 overnight, but even with it off the top ten list four of the top ten are “Romance Novels”, including several variants of 50 SoG.

To get a sense of the level of denial here, consider Jenny Erikson.  Erikson is the mother of two who complained about her pastor spoiling her plans to ambush her husband with divorce papers.  While she was very open that she was divorcing because she wasn’t happy any more, she also cast about for some sort of rationalization for her choice to destroy her family.  The best she could come up with was that her husband had viewed porn, and she took great solace in Matt Walsh stating that this is adultery.  Erikson was not surprisingly delighted to receive this moral cover from Walsh, and tweeted:

Married men: your porn habit is an adultery habit … (I love this guy)

Yet at the same time Erikson is quite open about her own consumption of porn, which no doubt she sees as something entirely different.  Not long after being comforted by Walsh for her decision to blow up her family, Erikson wrote at The Stir:

Hold onto your hats, Fifty Shades of Grey fans! It feels like we’ve been waiting forever to see Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson in action as our favorite star-crossed lovers with a penchant for BDSM, but it looks like we’re finally going to get a little something to whet our appetites.

This stuff is most toxic because it isn’t seen as toxic at all.  This isn’t porn, they rationalize, these people are in love!

In the scheme of things this kind of porn isn’t nearly as harmful as divorce fantasies like Eat Pray Love and Fireproof.  However, we do women a great disservice by pretending that their porn is different, and that their sexual impulses are more pure than those of men.


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