Don’t blame Heartiste for the equation of Alpha with virtue.

One of the more common complaints about Game is that its proponents challenge our modern value structure by equating sexual attractiveness with virtue in men.  This is an especially common complaint when it comes to the classification of men into the categories Alpha, Beta, etc.  It certainly is true that Heartiste measures the value of a man by the man’s ability to attract and bed women, as he explains in Defining the Alpha Male (link NSFW, emphasis mine):

Many want to believe that getting girls is ancillary to being a true alpha male; that the real measure of an alpha lies in his ability to dominate other men, or his command of his environment, or his thirst for swashbuckling adventure.  While these are admirable alpha traits, they are nothing but a means to an end.  Make no mistake, at the most fundamental level the CRUX of a man’s worth is measured by his desirability to women, whether he chooses to play the game or not.  Pussy is the holy grail.  That is why the obese, socially maladroit nerdboy who manages to unlock the gate to the secret garden and bang a 10 regularly is an alpha male.  And that is also why the rich, charming entrepreneur who because of an emotional deficiency or mental sickness lives mired in parched celibacy is not an alpha male.

But even here, Heartiste isn’t talking about virtue.  He isn’t saying that the ability to generate the tingle is what makes a man good morally.  To the contrary, Heartiste regularly reminds his readers that women are attracted to the worst sort of men.  From Chicks Dig Jerks: More Scientific Evidence (language warning):

So what is this study telling us? What Heartiste concepts are validated?

– Narcisisstic, irrational self-confidence is more attractive to women than modest, rational defeatism. (See: Poon Commandment XI)

– Being a rule breaker (a form of psychopathy) is attractive to women. (Playing by the rules will win you plaudits from polite society, but it won’t help you get pussy.)

– Using people for personal gain is attractive to women.

– The Dark Triad works best for short term sexual hookups (the kinds of mating opportunities most men would jump at if they were easy to get). LTRs require a small but significant infusion of beta provider game to remain healthy and satisfying for any woman.

– Being disagreeable (an asshole, that is) is attractive to women.

– Being power-hungry is attractive to women.

– Never sweating the small stuff is attractive to women.

– In other words, being an aloof, uncaring asshole — an amalgamation of all the above traits — makes you optimally attractive to the greatest number of hot chicks.

This is as he notes a long running theme for Heartiste.  See the related posts at the bottom of the page (here, here, and here) if you require more evidence that Heartiste isn’t confusing the ability to generate the tingle for virtue.

Ironically, when it comes to the equation of male sexual attractiveness with virtue, Heartiste is directly challenging conventional wisdom.  It isn’t pickup artists who are mistaken by thinking that men’s virtue is measured by their ability to generate the tingle;  it is everyone else.

This is probably easiest for most to see with feminists and their liberal allies, since they have been very open about replacing biblical sexual morality with a strict focus on romantic love and “consent”.  Both of these are really just code words for the tingle however.  Romantic love and the tingle are separate conceptually, but for practical purposes they are one and the same.  I would also challenge my readers to find a biblical distinction between romantic love and sexual desire.  Consent would at first sound like something different, but when feminists say consent they mean the woman is sexually attracted to the man.  This is why feminists call sex which the woman later regrets rape, and why a woman who trades sex for food and lodging is also said to have been raped.

But it isn’t just feminists who equate a man’s ability to generate sexual attraction with his virtue.  Modern Christians and other conservatives go even further in this direction.  Feminists are attempting to toss out what they see as an outdated value structure grounded in superstition, and replace it with a human derived code.  Christians have also thrown out biblical teaching on sexual morality.  The difference however is that Christians are now teaching that God designed women to only be attracted to good Christian men.  This new view is taught without controversy because it is so thoroughly accepted.

The clitoris as a divining rod for virtue.

In a post decrying the wickedness of sexual immorality, Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. (President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), explains that by God’s design a wife’s sexual attraction for her husband is a barometer of the man’s righteousness:

Put most bluntly, I believe that God means for a man to be civilized, directed, and stimulated toward marital faithfulness by the fact that his wife will freely give herself to him sexually only when he presents himself as worthy of her attention and desire.

Don’t blame Heartiste for the equation of Alpha with virtue.

t is for tingle

And it isn’t just the most conservative modern Christians like the Southern Baptists who now teach that the hallmark of a man’s virtue is his ability to generate the tingle.  This view is ubiquitous throughout modern Christian culture.  Christians the world over (both Protestants and Catholics) delighted in the message of the movie Fireproof, where the proof that Caleb was finally a changed man came from his wife falling out of love with the doctor she was leaving him for and falling back in love with Caleb.  Only through the power of the tingle could Caleb redeem himself, save his marriage, and save his wife’s soul.  In this new view the symbol Christians have used as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for nearly two thousand years is now transformed into a “t” for “tingle”.  By the mysterious power of the tingle, Caleb, his marriage, and his wife were all saved.  Christians delighted in this spiritual message, and these thoroughly unbiblical ideas were not even recognized as such let alone debated outside of the manosphere.

It isn’t just at the extremes that we see the worship of the tingle either.  It isn’t just radical feminists and conservative Christians.  Everyone in between now worships the tingle without a second thought.  As I showed recently, secular marriage counsellors also believe that a wife’s loss of attraction for her husband is a symptom of his loss of virtue.  Dr Harley’s approach to bored wives is the same as the approach in Fireproof, and is perfectly aligned with our new legal view of the family.  Men who can’t generate the tingle deserve to be not only punished, but crushed.  Men who can’t keep their wives tingling deserve to have their families destroyed, their children taken from them, and very often even deserve to be imprisoned.

We live in a world where a man who fails to generate tingles is seen as contemptible by both feminists and conservatives, by seculars and Christians alike.  Aside from a tiny minority, Christians range from outright rejecting biblical teaching on men and women to feeling ambivalent about what the Bible teaches.  In this world Heartiste’s greatest challenge to modern moral sensibilities isn’t his celebration of the tingle, but instead his (modern Christian and secular) heretical assertion that generating the tingle isn’t the ultimate sign of virtue in a man.

Cross graphic released to the public domain by Boris23.


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