New book by F. Roger Devlin

F. Roger Devlin contacted me and offered me a copy of his new book Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization.  Since it is only $3.49 for the Kindle version I’ll buy the ebook instead, but I appreciate his kind offer.  Either way I look forward to reading more of his work, having only read parts of Rotating Polyandry and Its Enforcers what seems like a lifetime ago.

Here is the Table of Contents from the Amazon page:

Introduction: The Facts of Life

1. Sexual Utopia in Power
2. Rotating Polyandry—& its Enforcers
3. The Female Sexual Counter-Revolution and its Limitations
4. Home Economics
5. The Family Way
6. Back to Africa: Sexual Atavism in the Modern West
7. The Question of Female Masochism


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