Insanity at the races.

Insanity at the races.

You are sooo mean! You must hate women! It wasn’t her fault!

I have previously explained why it is much easier and more satisfying for a man to call out a man versus a woman.  Calling out men is the path of least resistance, and allows a man to position himself as heroic.  Calling out women feels wrong, and tends to be the prelude to a day at the races.

This can be true even when it comes to criticizing an unrepentant child killer like Susan Smith.  Nearly all women will be repulsed by the extreme ugliness of a mother who murdered her own children and two decades later is still trying to cover up and justify her crime.  But a handful will instead identify with the unrepentant child murderer and run the rationalization race on her behalf:

Susan Smith was a mentally ill 21 year old girl with a father who committed suicide, a stepfather who molested her, and a husband who cheated on her, abandoned with two small children. She broke. Women do that sometimes, we break, especially when all the men in our lives fail us, yes fail us Dalrock. Women do not just spontaneously combust.

Hamster pic from Love hamster.  Checkered flag from Ewan ar Born.  I combined the last two to create the hamster 500 pic.  You are free to use this new picture so long as you are in compliance with the original two image licenses.


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