Coveting sin: The Law of the Double Standard.

It has long been obvious to me that whenever the topic of the sexual double standard is raised the end result is a rush towards female sexual immorality.  The correlation here is perfect, but the mechanism had until just recently eluded me.

The reason for the perfect correlation is that when women raise the topic of the sexual double standard they are not expressing a revulsion for sexual sin, they are expressing envy for men.  Envy of men is at the core of feminist rebellion, and envy is an exceptionally powerful temptation for women.  This goes back to Genesis and Eve’s curse, and even further with Eve being tempted to envy God for His knowledge of good and evil.

Take for example the recent Ashley Madison hack, and what at least appears to be (and very likely is) an extremely large skew when it comes to memberships.  A woman who is repulsed by sexual immorality will of course be repulsed by the revelation of rampant sexual immorality.  But she won’t think that it isn’t fair that women aren’t getting their share of sexual sin via the site.  The fairness question is really a mask for envy, for coveting the sin the woman perceives men as naturally enjoying.

With this, I present Dalrock’s Law of the Double Standard:

Whenever a woman* complains about the sexual double standard, the woman is demanding a license to sin.

*Or a man acting as a proxy for a woman or women.


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