Yesterday Instapundit linked to a piece by Mark Judge titled
How Feminism Created the Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Refreshingly, Judge isn’t jumping in with the standard Traditional Conservative complaint that weak men are screwing feminism up:
You can thank political correctness and feminism for this; both seek to tame male passion and aggression by declaring it brute and dangerous. These cultural forces are abetted by writers like Breslaw who insist that men should be more passive and feminine but then turn around and mock them as manic pixies when they do just that.
Feminists have long argued that women should pursue careers just like men do. Now that many women have successfully done so, however, they are beginning to resent the fact that while they are toiling away at the office, there are free-spirited dudes watching Bravo TV while eating artisanal snacks back at their apartments.
The lure to blame weak men for the failures of feminism is enormous, so seeing writers resist this temptation is a very positive sign. However, even better than the post itself is the comment left by Eric Johnson, at least when it comes to comedic value (intentional or otherwise):
Women! Stop this delusion and marry the The Dork!
The Dork will actually put up with your mother!
The Dork will go to the PTA Meetings!
The Dork is willing to put up with your bullshit!
Don’t worry dorks of the world, sooner or later your future wife will tire of having sex with men like the Manic Pixie Dream Boy and will suddenly realize that you have a duty to marry her. There is no point in trying to rush the process, as she needs to tire of sex with other men before she can recognize that you need to support her and put up with her bullshit. Have patience dorks, assured in the knowledge that while she is giving herself sexually to every man who draws her fancy, she is saving something special for you.
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