There are a number of bloggers who exist either mostly or entirely to troll the manosphere. Manboobz is probably the best known, and for a while we also had Bodycrimes tagging along. More recently Insanitybytes has come to my attention.
All of these sites share a common MO, which is a combination of snark, pointing and shrieking, and misrepresenting what is written on manosphere blogs. Of the three Insanitybytes has the most potential to deceive because she does her trolling under the guise of being a Christian antifeminist. While very few of my readers would be taken in by this ruse, sometimes it is worth pointing out the obvious.
For an example of how this works, on Sunday Vox Day put up a post at Alpha Game titled Girls are psychologically soft. Later that same day Insanitybytes responded with “Girls Are Psychologically Soft?” Insanity’s reply doesn’t quote, name, or link to Vox, but she references his blog post by title:
…imagine my surprise when I was rather rudely interrupted by a blog post that suggests, “Girls are Psychologically Soft.”
Next come the passive aggressive accusations (emphasis mine):
If I thought for one moment that girls being smaller, weaker, and psychologically softer, would somehow translate into the idea that life (and men) should show us even greater kindness and charity, you have no idea how often I would play the girl-card. Sadly, it is seldom true however. Something always seems to get lost in translation. In some odd quirk of human nature, “small, soft and weak” tends to just register as, “oh look, perfectly legitimate and morally acceptable…….prey.”
Don’t ask me to explain it, human behavior just is what it is, and as this blogger so clearly implied, “girls are psychologically soft,”therefore…..feel free to exploit the crap out of them. He’s a charming specimen, let me tell you, as in some people have a screw loose, but this one done lost two bolts and Teh Stupid has come spilling out.
I am torn between a desire to mercifully try to scoop it up before anyone sees it….and the urge to look away politely, like one might do when someone’s zipper is down. You may not be embarrassed. I however, am embarrassed for you.
If you’ve read Vox’s original post you already know how delusional this claim is. Aside from quoting an opinion piece at CNN by feminists Carol Dweck and Rachel Simmons, Vox’s entire post is:
And it’s really not their fault. It’s the fault of those who have overpraised them since they were in kindergarten:
[Quote of CNN feminist opinion piece.]
Of course, this also explains why women so often try to turn everything into grade-school, complete with an all-controlling authority figure; it’s the one environment in which they feel reasonably confident of succeeding by means of blind obedience and effort.
As you can see, only someone who is unhinged would misinterpret Vox’s post as an exhortation to exploit or harm women. But to a feminist (even one in denial), any challenge to feminism is a personal attack on herself, which explains Insanity’s bizarre mis-characterization of Vox’s post.
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