Drudge has a news story up today about a woman the local Tennessee media celebrated back in July of 2015 for showing that women can be in combat just like men. At the time Erika Lopez was the first woman in the state to enlist in the Army as a combat engineer. The story is in the national media because Lopez is now considered a deserter.
Lopez was in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. An Army spokesperson tells Local 8 News that Private Lopez was scheduled to return from convalescent leave on January 4th. She was reported absent without leave (AWOL) on January 5th after she failed to return.
Spokesperson Tiffany Wood issued a statement saying, “After 30 days in an AWOL status, a Soldier is considered a deserter and a federal warrant is issued for his or her arrest.”
This story and others like it are bad for the narrative, but they won’t change the political decision to open all combat roles to women. In the end it really isn’t all that bad for the narrative either, because for nearly all feminists this isn’t about actually having women perform at the level of men, but about disgracing the institutions that they see as conferring status on men. Nearly all women understand at a deep level that they can’t actually perform the same roles; feminists know they can’t attain the honor and respect that they are so envious of, so instead they set out to mark the space as feminine to ensure that men can’t either. From this perspective Lopez is accomplishing the feminist mission whether she sticks around long enough to join a unit or makes a laughingstock of the whole process.
On the other side we have conservatives, who tend to fall into two camps*. The first conservative camp is dedicated to showing that they embrace opening all roles to women so long as the military holds women to the “same high standards as men” and pretends this is about finding the best talent for every job. This isn’t really serious though. This is a plea to feminists to maintain the fiction conservatives see as their tacit bargain with feminists. We saw the same nonsense last summer when the Republican leadership telegraphed their willingness to open the military to transgendered. As House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) put it at the time:
The department “needs to look at a variety of policies. As long as they look at it objectively, based on what’s best for the security interests of the country, then we’ll oversee or review what they do,” he told The Hill.
“When there’s a sense that there’s some extraneous social or political agenda … people get concerned,” Thornberry added.
This wasn’t a new argument, as it was the same rationalization Republicans have been using to first accept women in the military and then later women in combat.
The second conservative camp relies on a different fantasy to get them through the day. They start with the same lie the first camp of conservatives uses to rationalize the process, and then pretend it is the other conservatives who have driven the feminist process all along. This is an extra level of psychosis, but is their only way of claiming to support biblical sex roles while avoiding confronting the feminist rebellion that surrounds them.
Both groups are in full denial of what feminists have been entirely open about all along. This is about envy of men. The Lopez story of women’s empowerment is the same story feminists have been selling all along. Her desertion wouldn’t be of any interest to Drudge if she hadn’t been sold as a feminist hero from day 1. While both camps of conservatives have been denying that pushing women into the military is about feminism, we were all being bombarded with messages of feminist empowerment like the original local Tennessee news story:
A Knoxville woman has signed up for a job that could lead her straight into battle, and she is the first in Tennessee to do it. She hopes her journey will inspire her children and women around the world.
After delivering her first son at 16 and staying home to raise the next one that came along, Erica still found a way to follow her dreams. She stepped out of her role as a housewife and enlisted in the Army as a combat engineer. But Erica had no idea that her choice would be so unique.
Yet in the same piece her decision to leave her husband and two sons in order to “follow her dreams” is presented not as selfishness, but as a sacrifice she is making for them. No one notices the contradiction because feminism is now one of our highest values as a society. Promoting it even at the expense of her family is seen as a sacrifice she is making for her family:
She left her husband and two children in September of 2015 for basic training where she was learning to build bridges, detonate artillery, and detect roadside bombs under combat conditions. She said, “You make sacrifices your whole life for your children and for your family, this will be a sacrifice… Women can do anything they set their mind to just as well as men I don’t really see any difference at all. I hope women will want to join.”
Here is the video of the original news story from Youtube. Some of the audio cuts out on the youtube version but the version on the Local8 page has the audio intact:
*Drudge and the WND story he links to are of course proof of a remnant of conservatives still pointing out that putting women into combat is a game of politically correct theater.
Update: Private Lopez has turned herself in.
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