Doing the job no American man would do.

When it comes to women pushing their way into the US military, Complementarians adopt the same posture the left does with illegal aliens.  Illegal aliens, we are told, aren’t forcing their way into our country and taking American jobs; they are merely undocumented workers forced to cross the border to do the jobs Americans won’t do.  Likewise, Complementarians don’t see women clambering to dress up as men, they see women being forced to do what men are unwilling to do.

No doubt the CBMW will be dismayed to learn that men’s cowardly unwillingness to serve in the military goes all the way to the top.  Last week we learned that President Obama was forced to select a woman to be the top general in defense of our homeland.

General Robinson would lead the United States Northern Command, which is based in Colorado Springs and was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to coordinate the military’s response to domestic threats.

The CBMW often compares our current situation to Deborah in Judges 4 being forced to accompany Barak as he lead the troops in battle.  If the CBMW is right about what is going on, none of the men in the US Military were willing to step up, leaving a reluctant General Lori Robinson no choice but to take command of the defense of our homeland.

In other recent news regarding women in the US military:  All Marines Forced To Go Through Training To Erase ‘Unconscious Bias’ As Women Enter Combat Roles  (H/T Instapundit).

The reason for the training is mostly because male Marines have by and large been totally opposed to allowing women into combat roles. A survey conducted in 2012 by the Center for Naval Analyses found two-thirds of males Marines disapproved of integrating women, and a third of female Marines also opposed the idea.


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