Christian Economist Dr. Robert P. Murphy explains in An Essay for Single Christian Men* that although what most call red pill** observations are on the whole accurate, knowledge of the truth is highly dangerous. While Dr. Murphy and I no doubt agree that learning from pickup artists carries the risk that a man will lose his fear of God and follow the pickup artist into sexual immorality, Murphy’s primary concern is that Christian men will damn themselves by losing their fear (or if you prefer reverence) of women:
The reason lonely young men end up delving into the ranks of the pickup artists–either from “professionals” or just in their own peer groups by hanging out with guys who are “good with girls”–is that they have eyes. They can see quite clearly that sending flowers to a crush does absolutely nothing while other guys are known as notorious cheaters and have girls randomly showing up at their apartments.
But since I’m directing this essay at you, a Christian, I can tell you frankly that these techniques and advice are literally FROM THE DEVIL. Yes, it is true that if you can actually train yourself to look at women (except your mom and sisters, of course) as less than human, so that you are no longer afraid of their opinion of you, then your long career of striking out will be over. You will go from being terrified of beautiful women to knowing how to spot the ones that are incredibly insecure, who spend hours getting ready because they think they need to in order to deserve attention from men. You will laugh at your old self, who somehow was intimidated by a half-naked 115 pound creature in heels. What was your problem?!
It is the pedestal, not sexual morality, that Murphy most fears will be lost if Christian men learn the truth about women’s sexual nature.
Murphy is far from alone in his pronounced reverence for women. Worshiping women is extremely common in modern Christianity, so much so that it isn’t seen as odd or noteworthy. Moreover, the modern Christian “improvement” on biblical marriage is the introduction of the wakeup call to make husbands fear their wives.
Fearing women, however, is not something that the Bible teaches. Christians are to fear God, and wives are to fear their husbands. As every Christian feminist’s favorite verse in Ephesians 5 explains, Christians in general are to submit to one another in fear (also translated as reverence) of God:
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
A bit later, in Ephesians 5:33, Paul explains that a wife is to fear (also translated as reverence) her husband (ISV):
33 But each individual man among you must love his wife as he loves himself; and may the wife fear her husband.
Interestingly in some translations fear is used in verse 21 while reverence is used in verse 33***, as is the case with the King James version:
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
…33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Other times we see it the other way around as is the case with the International Standard Version:
21 and you will submit to one another out of reverence for the Messiah.
…33 But each individual man among you must love his wife as he loves himself; and may the wife fear her husband.
This is not to say that Christian wives are to worship their husbands as Christian men today so often worship women, but clearly there is a healthy reverence wives are instructed to have for their husbands in line with headship and submission. Yet again, we see that modern Christians have come up with a crossdressing theology by inverting the proper relationship between husband and wife****.
*H/T The Question.
**I prefer a different movie metaphor.
***The reason we see alternate translations (fear vs reverence) for both verses is that while the original Greek words for fear/reverence are not identical between the two verses, both words can be translated either way. The word used in Eph 5:21 is phobos (Strongs 5401). The word in Eph 5:33 is phobeó (Strongs 5399).
****Since the fear Dr. Murphy is afraid Christian men will lose is romantic/sexual in nature, and he isn’t proposing that the fear should be lost after marriage, this is very much about marriage.
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