
What started out as a seemingly harmless fiction was merely the early stages of an all out jihad against manly pride. Eighty-eight years after we pretended that Earhart was like Lindbergh because a man flew her across the Atlantic, we now have to pretend that women are part of everything men do.  When the blue collar beer brand Busch decided to use Joussaye Marie’s poem The Honest Working Man in a commercial, they had no choice but to include a woman as a working man too.



This doesn’t stand out because these are the new rules we live under.  Of course we need to include women when we praise the honest working man.  They have manly hearts too, don’t they?  Yet if this were a commercial featuring Marie’s most famous poem Only a Working Girl, there would be no similarly absurd need to praise men as working girls.

Likewise, when Pep Boys runs a commercial, only Jack can still be a man.  Manny and Moe must now be women:


Each of these individual incidents are in the big picture small, petty, things.  Yet this pettiness is now institutionalized in our culture.  All of this is part of the same petty impulse which leads to women needing to be in every role in our armed forces, including submarines, SEALs, and Delta.  Women must be in every role or feminists will feel the intolerable burn of envy that somewhere, somehow, there is a man out there who is proud to be a man.  Even worse, whenever men make horrific sacrifices for the nation, feminists will endure the unthinkable:  gratitude towards men.

It is also the same petty impulse which has lead feminists to march men in high heels, and the attempt to make male Marines wear women’s caps.

With all of this, there are two things we can count on:

  1. This envy will only grow stronger the more we feed it.
  2. Men will always find ways to seek respect.  As feminists shore up their blockade on manly pride for hard work, noble sacrifice, fatherhood, etc. men will find other avenues to pursue manly excellence.  Feminists only hold sway over our legal and moral institutions, and this will drive men outside of these institutions.  Our religious, secular, and legal institutions have been wildly successful at maligning the married father, but they can’t help but admire the tattooed biker who doesn’t care about their rules.


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