Are you man enough to wear a Hillary pantsuit?

Two years ago Perrie Samotin at Stylecaster complained in Urban Outfitters Offends Again With Sexist Hillary Clinton ‘Nutcracker’:

The supposedly funny toy—a brilliant women with serious political ambition, ha ha—is rocking a pantsuit, and features packaging with some messaging like “Is America ready for this nutcracker?” while informing shoppers the gag gift has “stainless steel thighs” and that it “cracks the toughest nuts.”

Translation: Hillary is a ball-buster who emasculate men—a damaging message to send to the world about the person who may become the first female President of the United States, no?

Fast forward two years, and Hillary has made the pantsuit her campaign icon.  Hillary has fully embraced the (visual) image of the ugly feminist.  But Hillary’s ugly feminism runs much deeper, which is why the campaign is compelled to dress a man in a pantsuit tee.

Formally connecting Hillary the candidate with:

  1. A visual reminder that feminist women are proud to be unattractive.
  2. The emasculation of men.

is of course not helpful for the campaign.  This isn’t about winning voters, but about an ugly feminist compulsion.  But what do I know?  I’ve never walked a mile in her pantsuit.

Related:  How to be a hero.


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