No crisis here.

Instapundit host Glenn Reynolds has a great line:

I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis.

I would apply this same line to Stephen Green’s recent Instapundit entry:

THE PRICE OF WAR, NEGLECT, DOWNSIZING, AND A BROKEN PROCUREMENT SYSTEM: House Panel says $1 Trillion Needed to Reboot Military.

It was just over a year ago that the Republican lead House Armed Services Committee telegraphed its readiness to pretend that trans-gendered soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines would make our military stronger.  The Senate Republicans and the Admirals and Generals fell in line as well.  We saw the same with women in combat.  All of our civilian and military leadership is telling us that we have no significant military threats, and therefore we can stop focusing on fielding warriors and get on with the business of fielding Social Justice Warriors.  I’m inclined to take them at their word.

Besides, we just completed a massively expensive SJW reboot;  surely that should hold us over for a few years.


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