That’s quite a nasty woman problem you have there.

Emma Lord at Bustle doesn’t want women to suffer in silence, so she is challenging women to speak up about their nasty woman problems.

So, fellow women of the internet: wanna let Trump know exactly what you think of his words, while also helping out other women? Then take the #NastyWomanChallenge by posting what makes you a ~nasty woman~, either by sharing a picture of yourself with the words written on a piece of paper, or sharing a video of yourself saying it out loud. Don’t forget to add the hashtag when you put it on your social media.

Much like the Ice Bucket Challenge of yore, once you post you can challenge three friends to do the same within 24 hours.

In order to get the ball rolling, the women at the Bustle office are sharing their own stories.  First is Frances, who has blood coming from her wherever.  As you can imagine, this took some courage to publicly state.

Another confession comes from Emma, who has a particularly nasty woman problem; She sits on strange men on public transit.

We’ve gotten to the point when men are straight up ignoring transit ads campaigning against manspreadingthe time to nastily plant ourselves in space we deserve is NOW.

Fortunately Emma isn’t one of the heavier women featured in the challenge.  If some of the others were to sit on men it could cause serious injury.

Let no one accuse feminists of all being alike.  While Emma has nasty woman problems that cause her to invade the personal space of strange men on public transit, Gaby’s nasty woman problem involves a hypersensitivity to men on public transit whom she perceives as invading her personal space.

Personal space is just that, yo — PERSONAL. So whether you’re getting inappropriately crowded on public transport or weirdly hovered over by a six-foot-something orange man in a live, television 90-minute debate, you are more than entitled to assert your right to your physical space, loud and proud (and, of course, #nasty).

See Also: The ugly feminist secret weapon.


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