Servant Leadership in two easy lessons.

Lesson 1:  Your only job as a husband is to sacrifice yourself for her, not lead her.  Don’t ever tell her what her role is or what to do.  That would be subjugation:

Subjugation is defined as “defeating or gaining control of a person for their obedience.” Submission is when a person voluntarily places themselves under the authority and guidance of another.

The Bible teaches women to submit to the God-given leadership of their husbands in the same way that Christ submitted to the will of God the Father. But here’s a reminder, guys: God doesn’t command a husband to remind his wife to submit. Instead He calls the husband to unconditionally love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave his entire life for her.

Lesson 2: If she assumes headship, or otherwise sins, it is your fault.  You forced her to sin, by not leading her and reminding her that she should submit (emphasis mine):

He leads courageously. He doesn’t force women to step in to fill the vacuum of leadership left by passive men. But he also recognizes that his leadership is a position of voluntary submission to Christ, who voluntarily submits Himself to the Father.

In Summary:

  1. She’ll do what she wants.  Mind your own business.
  2. When she sins, it is your fault.


Note:  Servant Leadership should not be confused with headship.

See Also:


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