Selfishness as wisdom and virtue.

Sharon Pope expresses a very common sentiment in Why I Hate the Label Mid-Life Crisis:

As women, we’re constantly evolving.

As spiritual beings, we’re waking up.

As seekers, we’re becoming more self-aware.

As mothers and wives, we’re realizing it’s time to put our needs first.

This means we’re changing….growing….developing;

We’re becoming more ourselves.

We’re getting in touch with our needs.

In women, shallow selfishness is presented as deep wisdom, something holy.  Fighting against the virtue of women’s desires and feelings are the forces of evil:

This may make some people in your life uncomfortable.

They will want you to stop changing and go back to who you were.

On her About Me page, Pope explains that this is what she learned when she had an affair and divorced her husband:

I had to learn to love myself, forgive myself and stay true to myself.

What is striking is that while this idea is banal, it is always presented as a deep and profound insight that the woman discovered, an epiphany.  Equally striking is the lack of pushback against this truly vile religion of self worship, especially by Christians.



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