Friday afternoon entertainment.

Rollo Tomassi made me aware of a blog post by J. Lee Grady at that mentions both of our blogs. The article is Don’t Swallow the ‘Red Pill’. It is aimed primarily at the Red Pill subreddit, but clearly is intended to warn readers off of all of the men’s sphere.  It is a sloppy drive-by post, not worthy of a serious rebuttal.  But it does offer a springboard for some Friday afternoon entertainment.

As confused as the author is (intentionally or otherwise), it is clear that Grady is a hard core feminist, and we therefore have radically different views of Christianity.  Recent posts from Grady include Break Free From the Patriarchal Spirit and Why Women Belong on the Front Lines of Ministry:

This past weekend my oldest daughter, Margaret, quietly made history. She was ordained as a pastor at United Assembly, the church in Seneca, South Carolina, where her husband, Rick, has served as an associate pastor for several years. Margaret and another woman, Marly, are the first females to be ordained into pastoral ministry at this church.

As Margaret’s father, I couldn’t be prouder. I have watched her spiritual anointing develop since she was a little girl. But I’m also aware that the road won’t be easy for her or for any woman who embraces the call to leadership.

Thankfully, Margaret’s church is affiliated with a denomination (the Assemblies of God) that fully embraces the ordination of women. But there are hundreds of thousands of churches in 2017 that limit women’s gifts by enforcing a spiritual glass ceiling that was actually shattered long ago on the day of Pentecost.

This lines up quite well with a recent post by Larry Sparks, Grady’s fellow blogger at charismamag.  Sparks recently blogged about being moved to prophecy by the movie Wonder Woman.  From Prophetic Word: God Is Handing Out Swords and Mantles to His Wonder Women:

While watching Wonder Woman with my family, I sensed the Holy Spirit present a series of prophetic thoughts directed at what He is doing in women in this generation.

The Lord is handing out swords to women in this hour! 

A sword represents authority. A sword qualifies you to fight. A sword is not a shield. A shield is defensive, but a sword is offensive…

I decree that you are receiving a sword in this season—a sword of authority for your assignment. I decree that, right now, you are being set free from any intimidation associated with the assignment the Lord is extending to you.

Sparks decrees that the feminist innovation of the CBMW regarding women preaching is no longer enough*.  It is time for the next step:

For too long, Christianity has perpetuated a “women’s conference” mentality, where anointed and gifted women preachers are given opportunities to share what Holy Spirit has put on their hearts—but in a restrained setting, woman-to-woman. Yes, continue to have women’s conferences. Yes, continue to ensure that women disciple women. The problem is this cannot be all there is.

I prophesy that the hour is at hand where women are going to be released from exclusively speaking to women. Because they have been knighted by their Father in heaven, I see the daughters of God arising to boldly declare the Word of the Lord to the church and release supernatural solutions into the broken parts of society.

Grady and Sparks no doubt find me and my theology shocking and weird.  I would be concerned if they did not.

*Sparks however seems to be behind the feminist Christian power curve, as Grady’s daughter already has taken up her Wonder Woman sword.


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