Two additions to the men’s sphere lexicon.

Cane Caldo coined a hilarious term in his comment on Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion.

A concubine is a committed slave who may not leave without her master’s command, and she receives no more providence when that occurs. What Wilson actually sees are tattooed sluts. A slut is an informal whore who loves her work. In the twenty-first century, sluts not only aren’t concubines, they have have legal rights to extract from their johns future pay for past work; a sort of whore pension. That isn’t anything like concubinage. If we fix Wilson’s phrase so that it reflects the real world it read (“…the twenty-first century is characterized by the tattooed slut.”) it makes sense.

Which gives the lie to Wilson’s sentiment that it’s not progress for women. If twenty-first century women as a group are characterized as tattooed sluts (informal whores), then a clear-eyed observer might call a government enforced whore pension as progress; at least from an economic perspective.

As Zippy observed:

 “Whore pension,” as a succinct and accurate description of alimony granted to a woman who chose to divorce her husband, is a stroke of genius.

While I’m sharing Cane’s brilliant term, I thought I would share another term coined by a M.A. Shaw in his review of Jim Geraghty and Cam Edwards’ book Heavy Lifting: Grow Up, Get a Job, Raise a Family, and Other Manly Advice.  Shaw aptly notes that the term No Fault Divorce makes as much sense as a No Fault Foreclosure:

Good advise for any young man to marry early but what is needed is a companion novel for young women. It has been my observation – as a 63 year old – that it is women that are equally responsible for the decline of the institution of marriage as the Peter Pan mindset. I recall the motto “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” as a teen. No fault divorce (makes as much sense as no fault foreclosure) has led to the present situation where nine of ten divorces are initiated by the wife. Combine a fifty percent divorce rate with the family law paradigm of “What’s hers is hers and what’s his is theirs” in the division of community assets does not make marriage a good business plan for any man. The racetrack gives better odds.
Jim and Cam are obviously very lucky to find their wives but not everybody can be lucky. Still the book was an enjoyable and easy read I would recommend it to anyone.


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