Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015

Novaseeker found an excellent chart over at Reddit.  It isn’t my chart to share, so I won’t publish it here.  However, you can see it at the link.

Some quick thoughts:

  1. The chart confirms Men’s Sphere conventional wisdom about the changed SMP.
  2. While there has been a large (3 fold?) increase in the number of women at 45 who have never married, today at least most women still marry.
  3. Instead of showing men on a marriage “strike”, it is clear that there are plenty of thirsty men quite happy to wife up nearly all of the 30 something carouselers looking to marry.
  4. The feminist claim that women no longer value the status of wife is put to death by the data.  The women who married in the tail end of the curve will for the most part have settled hard.
  5. The never married women in their 20s and early 30s today should not expect to marry at the same rate as the women who are currently 45 have.  These are very different cohorts, as today’s 45 year old women came of age in the 1980s.


Edit:  See Cane Caldo’s take on the data here.

See Also:


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