Children understand.

Anonymous Reader notes that Let it go is well loved by modern Christians:

I have not yet encountered a single churchgoing person in my social circle who has a problem with “Frozen” the movie or with “Let it go” the song. Not one. That includes a couple of families that are part of leadership. Pointing out the “no rules” part is like describing the color “purple” to someone who is blind. They literally can’t see anything wrong – perhaps because “It’s DISNEY” or something. I’ve gotten blank stares from people over 40 but also parents under 30. It’s bizarre.

I don’t think the messenger makes the message palatable.  It is the message itself that is loved.  Women and girls learning how to throw off all rules and inhibition is core to our new morality.  The song isn’t loved as a guilty pleasure;  it is loved as a bold moral declaration.  Stop trying to be a good girl and learn to worship yourself is a moral exhortation.  As Vox pointed out in The devil that is Disney:

Disney is run by literal satanists preaching Alastair Crowley’s “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” to children. They are one of the primary engine’s of the West’s degeneracy and decline. It is not an accident that everything they touch, in every industry, turns into morally radioactive slime.

Children, including Christian children, understand this best of all.  They know what their parents worship, what their parents see as righteous (even if their parents fall short of living the ideal).  They know that Frozen and Let It Go is a morality tale that teaches them about our most sacred beliefs.

With this in mind, it shouldn’t be too surprising that when Baptist minister Ross Chandler* in Marble Falls, Texas asked children in his congregation to explain part of the Bible, their response very quickly devolved into the song Let It Go.  Even more telling, Chandler was so delighted with children confusing the words of the Bible with the words of Disney, he made it into youtube video.

As Today observed:

Who knew the New Testament had so much “Frozen” in it?


*Not to be confused with Pastor Matt Chandler, also in Texas.



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