Vox Day has a post up on a new shirt he designed for Crypto Fashion:
One of Vox’s readers thought I would have an issue with the message of the shirt:
This is the sort of thing Dalrock rips to shreds every chance he gets. I don’t always agree with every detail of his argument but it’s definitely worth thinking about.
I think Vox’s reader is probably thinking about my post Scaring away the competition.
Vox and I live in different parts of the world, so this probably accounts for our different perspectives. Based on my reading of Vox’s statements on the topic, I take it that Vox sees this as simply a loving father committing to protect his daughter, with no feminist connotations. In my neck of the woods (redneck heaven*) the shirt pictured above would be well loved as a signal to young men that all sexual encounters with said daughter will occur on the daughter’s terms. It would be loved as an announcement of moxie, sexual liberation and empowerment, enforced by the girl’s father.
*As a card carrying AR 15 shooting redneck, I use the term with all affection.
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