In response to Women hardest hit commenter Micha Elyi smugly explained that the RCC’s hard line on divorce puts Protestants to shame:
Kind’a makes you think that King Henry VIII and Martin Luther were wrong and the Catholic Christians have been right about divorce all along.
God hates divorce so a mark of God’s true Church is its unwillingness to accept what God hates.
I would be inclined to agree with him, if the RCC wasn’t infected by a slightly different strain of the same disease Protestantism is infected with.
The RCC sees the explosion in destroyed homes in the US after the 1960s as progress, as justice. They just don’t call it divorce*. As the Archdioceses of Boston explains in its lengthy defense of the modern annulment process, the only problem is that the rest of the world hasn’t caught up with our divorce annulment revolution:
13. There are too many declarations granted in the United States – NO.
The United States vs. other countriesIn the last twenty years, the numbers of declarations are much higher in this country than they had been in the past. Yet this is due to the fact that the procedural laws governing marriage cases were expanded in the late 1960’s. Cases no longer had to go to Rome. They could be adjudicated locally. The appellate system was also somewhat streamlined. Furthermore, Roman jurisprudence was expanded in the light of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council. Cases could be heard on new grounds of jurisprudence.
Tribunals across the United States are operative so that individuals may vindicate their rights. The bishops of our country have invested personnel and resources to ensure the church’s jurisprudence and procedural law are fulfilled. Unfortunately, such an investment in justice is not as evident in other parts of the world. This is why the numbers in the United States appear high. In fact they are skewed.
Think of the implications of this statement. For 2,000 years the RCC got it wrong by not granting absurd numbers of annulments. But along came the 1960s, and the RCC finally understood that the whole process needed to be… streamlined. The same document explains that as a result of this streamlining, so many declarations of nullity are now issued that Catholics believe they are easy to obtain:
The misconception that it is thought to be easy may rest in the increased number of declarations over the past twenty years. In 1968 the Boston tribunal processed 10 cases involving defective consent. In 1996 the same tribunal processed over 700 of these cases. The increase is due to a substantial change in the procedural law of the church. Cases are heard locally rather than in Rome. They may also be handled by single judges, rather than a tribunal panel of three judges. However, the sentence of every case is sent to the Appeal Court and reviewed by a tribunal, i.e., a panel of three judges.
One way a marriage can be ruled to have defective consent is if one of the spouses thought marriage isn’t permanent. What the RCC has effectively taught with this process is if you think marriage isn’t permanent, it isn’t. Now canon lawyers wonder why so many Catholics think marriage isn’t permanent. Why isn’t the laity getting the message?
Either this progress is what Elyi is so smug about, or he smugly has no idea what is going on regarding marriage in the RCC. I don’t know which is worse.
While Elyi is Catholic, his smugness is no less common among Protestants. When Instapundit linked to one of my posts on the topic of modern churches being corrupted by feminism, Pastor Donald Sensing smugly responded:
Maybe the author needs to get out more.
His church is different. As a United Methodist pastor, he is fighting the good fight against SJWs and feminists. He doesn’t see the rot I was writing about, so I must not get around much. But how blind do you have to be if you are a United Methodist pastor and don’t see the rot all around you? From Lesbian Bishop Calls Jesus a Bigot
United Methodist Church bishop Dr. Karen Oliveto is not only a lesbian, she also believes (and publicly teaches) that Jesus was a bigot filled with prejudices. She does say that Jesus grew and changed, and that’s her point. Bishop Oliveto admonishes, “If Jesus can change, if he can give up his bigotries and prejudices, if he can realize that he had made his life too small, and if, in this realization, he grew closer to others and closer to God, than so can we.”
Moreover, on a separate Instapundit post Pastor Sensing put in a plug for a book by his gender nondescript child:
Grateful for the link, Glenn, thanks!
I hope you will indulge a “proud dad” moment for me in providing the link to my eldest’s first novel on Amazon, Winter Three, a military sci-fi tale of far future Marines landing on their homeworld to wrest it back from the bad guys. It went live on Kindle today. It does rely quite a bit on the author’s experience as a US Marine in the Iraq War (Fallujah and environs, 2005-2006) and pays homage to Heinlein. It’s only $1.99, so give a vet a break and buy it!
What Pastor Sensing is carefully not disclosing with his gender neutral language is that his hard bitten combat veteran “eldest” is his daughter [Correction: it is his son].
The smugness of men like Elyi and Pastor Sensing is all around us, and it is this very militant cluelessness that makes feminism possible in Christian culture.
*Instead, the RCC prefers the term annulment. Coincidentally, before you can request an annulment you have to first get a civil divorce.
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