She’s the boss, child torture edition.

David and Louise Turpin are accused of chaining up and starving their 13 children.  This is understandably a huge story for the media, but it is also one that presents a difficult challenge.  All of the information I’ve seen to date strongly indicates that Louise Turpin was the leader and her husband David was the follower.   Normally this would lead to feminist gloating, but in this case the narrative requires ignoring the obvious signs that the wife was in charge.

When it came out that Louise wanted to feature her family on reality TV, the headline turned Louise into “Parents”:   Parents In Perris Torture Case Had Reality TV Aspirations.


Likewise, the Daily Mail described Louise as having a midlife crisis:

Teresa Robinette says Louise Turpin was just about to turn 40 when her sister hit a midlife crisis.

‘At that same time she started gambling, she started taking trips down to Vegas and she got a totally different hairstyle — dramatically different,’ said Teresa

But the Daily mail changed Louise to the Turpin couple in the headline:  Turpin couple hit a ‘midlife crisis’ says Louise’s sister.

The same sister features in a hilarious quote about the couple sowing their wild oats that they didn’t get to sow while she was still young.  From the NY Post, quoting an interview with the sister by Megyn Kelly:

Apparently weary of their button-down religious lifestyle, the Bible-thumping couple began to cut loose about a decade ago, “experimenting in different religions” and forcing their older children to “take care of the younger children so that her and David could kinda sow those wild oats that they didn’t sow when she was younger,” Robinette said.

This is in reference to Louise Turpin cuckolding her husband David, who we are told signed off on the arrangement:

“She met this man at a motel, slept with him, and what makes it even worse and even weirder is that exactly one year to the day of the anniversary that she did that, she called me and thought it was funny that David was taking her back to the exact same hotel room — the exact same bed that she slept with this man in — so that David could sleep with her in the same bed.”

But despite the mountain of evidence that Louise was in charge –from the cuckoldry to the statements by family, not to mention the body language in the pictures and videos of the couple–  her sister and half brother speculate in the Daily Mail article that David put her up to the abuse of their children:

‘I blame both of them equally,’ added Teresa. ‘If she had nothing to do with it she should have stepped up and left. She could have got out at any time — unlike their children.’

And Billy added: ‘I would rather believe that David put this into her head, but I can’t because she grew up knowing this sort of thing was wrong. We were not brought up like this.

‘If it was David, she should have got out of that situation herself a long time ago.’



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