Sheila will make a man out of you.

Last week I linked to a post by the complementarian group Authentic Manhood in in What was Adam’s Sin?  It turns out that this group has hired Sheila Gregoire to help teach you how to be a man.  Who better than a woman’s studies major to teach you about the roles in marriage?

In this release from 33 The Series, A Man and His Marriage, marriage experts Paul Tripp and Sheila Wray Gregoire along with our 33 The Series presenters, tackle head-on some of the key issues in marriage and show that as we learn to embrace God’s plan for marriage, a wonderful thing happens. We become both more holy and more happy.

As long time readers will remember, Gregoire teaches women that submission in marriage means the wife gives her husband lists of chores to do around the house.  In her book To Love, Honor, and Vacuum: When You Feel More Like a Maid Than a Wife and Mother. Gregoire describes her husband as he twirls around the house doing as she bids:

My husband is motivated by lists. If I just tell him I would like him to help clean up after dinner, he doesn’t know what to do. But if there is a list of daily and weekly chores on the fridge, and he can see what is left to be done, he’s like a Tasmanian devil whirling around the house, cleaning.

Nothing says authentic manhood better than twirling around the house!


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