
Nancy Carol Hastings Sehested writes in An open letter to Paige Patterson:

Dear Brother Paige,

We now have something in common. We were both ousted. Mine happened so long ago that you may not remember me. It was 30 years ago. I was among the first casualties of the war against women in pastoral positions in the Southern Baptist Convention. The church that I was called to pastor was “disfellowshipped” in 1987 for “knowingly calling a woman as pastor.” You may recall that it was after the SBC resolution to exclude women from pastoring “to preserve a submission God requires because the man was first in creation and the woman was first in the Edenic fall.”

Feminists have not forgotten that Patterson is the man who led the effort Ms. Carol Hastings Sehested is recounting.  In taking his scalp, they have won a long coveted victory.

Menwhile Dr. Jason K. Allen proposed a resolution to spike the football at the upcoming SBC convention:

WHEREAS, to the shame of the Southern Baptist Convention, and the very obscuring of the Glory of God, a number of Southern Baptist leaders, professors, and ministers have since our last annual gathering sinned against the Lord and against women by their ungodly behavior and language; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Dallas, Texas, June 12-13th, 2018 repudiate in the strongest terms any comment that would objectify and dishonor a woman, and any behavior with a woman that would compromise the New Testament standard of a minister’s absolute purity and requirement to be “above reproach” (1 Timothy 3:1, 5:2)…

Dr. Allen as you might recall is the president of the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Allan’s seminary publishes articles from the far left of the complementarian movement, including one which complains that church leaders are “maddeningly male” (emphasis mine):

In the 35 years or so since then, liberal churches grew more liberal and the conservative—heaven help us. McQuinn uses the term androcentrism to describe the shift in neo-reformed environments in particular. It means being dominated by or emphasizing masculine interests or a masculine point of view. It wasn’t that the theology was all wrong, it was that the voices of church leaders were maddeningly male, through the male perspective, with male interests paramount, and evaluated by males.

Imagine with me for a moment a room of chimps all chimping about how to be a better room of chimps and pandas.

Dr. Allen’s resolution will go to a formal vote at the upcoming convention, but it has already been affirmed by a long list of SBC leaders, including both candidates for SBC President as well as Dr. Albert Mohler.


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