Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.

From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine):

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas for the dads in your life. But, since this is Mommyish, we’re going to do things a bit differently. Now before you get your panties in a wad, I’m not suggesting we ignore Father’s Day. Celebrate your dads! But I also want to acknowledge that this day can be hard for families without a dad. It can be particularly hard for single moms. Those moms who are mom AND dad, and have to spend a whole day hearing about how great other fathers are. So if you’re a single mom, or know one or two, remember that this Father’s Day. And use the money you’ll save on a gift for a dad and get yourself one of these Father’s Day gifts for kick-ass single moms.

It is a toss up as to which of the five is the most hilarious gift, but I would say it is between the Proverbs 31 (you go girl!) notebook and the mug explaining that a mom has to be a badass to fail to provide her child with an intact family.  Follow the link to see all of the Father’s Day gift ideas for single mothers.

It is also worth noting that this Sunday while millions of badass moms are patting themselves on the back for making good on the slogan a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, countless pastors will be doing their part in making broken homes possible by pretending that the feminist revolution in the family wasn’t a feminist revolution at all.  Clearly these pastors providing moral cover are every bit as badass as the women who took our society up on its standing offer to kick dad out of the house.

From Father’s Day: Joseph Sermon by Scott Bayles (emphasis mine):

In 1960, 17% of children in the United States were raised apart from their biological fathers. By 1990, that number had risen to 36%. Today, nearly half of all the children in the U.S. are raise without a father in their home. How could we have become so irresponsible? So caviler in our relationships with our own children?

Dads, we can’t leave the rearing and raising of our children to the television or the daycare teacher or even to mom alone. It’s our responsibility too. We need to be actively involved in our children’s lives. We need to take responsibility

From Fighters Vs. Flyers Sermon by Michael Catt (emphasis mine):

Sadly, that is the case of 24 million children in this country. Their dads have simply left, opting for a life other than full-time care of the family they started. Many of these kids have been fathered in the foundation of a family where the mother and father exchanged vows and made promises that are now broken.

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