Who cares that Misty has a bigger dick than Colleen?

I watched part of the first episode of the new season of Luke Cage the other day.  Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were in the lead up to the obligatory one armed woman beats up a bar full of men scene, and were (as custom requires) verbally establishing their manhood.  Misty establishes that she’s one of the boys via a try hard reference to the bolt pattern and water pump configuration she would have on her fantasy muscle car.  Colleen, knowing that she’s been bested in the women pretending to be men contest, concedes that Misty has a bigger dick than she does.

If you have Netflix, I encourage you to scan through to the beginning of the bar scene just for laughs.  If you do, you will see that the feminist writers are deadly serious in this.  They really think that women talking about how they are like men (including having dicks) makes women like men.

The interesting thing is that we live in a culture where women claiming to have dicks isn’t really noteworthy.  Feminism has been building up to this moment for decades, and the line between dressing Amelia Earhart like Lindbergh and having a man pilot her over the Atlantic and women bragging about the size of their dicks is an easy path to trace.  You could even argue that feminists had no choice in the matter, as this is only congruent with a world where women must be included in our combat forces.  Yet unlike with Earhart, the response is a yawn;  feminists have been hinting at the size of their dicks for quite some time.  This has to be a terrible let down, because a lot of work went into achieving a milestone practically no one will notice.

Meanwhile conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, spend all of their effort trying to figure out why men have suddenly and mysteriously changed, despite women behaving splendidly.  This has to be extremely frustrating for feminists.  Misty and Colleen could both whip out 10 inch phalluses, and while the feminists in the audience would squeal in delight, conservatives would either not notice or ask:

What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?


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