How big was her dick?

The Chicago Tribune has an article about a woman who stabbed a man on a city bus and then followed him (with her knife) when he got off the bus.  It isn’t clear from the account if she was able to continue stabbing the man during her pursuit, or if she was only able to stab him while he was still on the bus.  However, it does say that her attack left him in critical condition.

After he got off the bus (followed by his attacker), the man managed to wrestle the knife away from his attacker and fatally stab her.  The headline reads:  2 stabbed, 1 fatally, after argument on CTA bus

A female was killed and a man critically injured after the two stabbed each other following an argument that began on a CTA bus on the South Side, Chicago police said.

A commenter at Second City Cop asked:

Who is the victim? 🤔🤔

This is an excellent question, because the Chicago Tribune has gone to torturous lengths to frame the attacker as a victim.  We don’t know if the man she stabbed was a current or former romantic partner, but if he was according to the Duluth model (the model we train our police in) the man who was attacked, fled, and then ultimately fought back would be the aggressor.

Feminist doublethink would have us accept that women have dicks and are so tough that a one armed woman can easily beat up a bar full of men.  It would simultaneously have us see a woman who stabs a man and then chases after him when he tries to get away as a victim and not an aggressor.


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