Mama ain’t happy.

Sheila Gregoire and her fellow Christian Feminists are putting complementarians on notice. Recently she retweeted a call for male allies to fight the patriarchy:

The specific context is a thread Sheila started in response to a number of people writing mean comments about her daughter’s histrionic reaction to a post by Lori Alexander:

Sheila was especially offended that some of the commenters quoted 1-Tim 2:11-12:

This is where it gets interesting.  Sheila blames complementarians for the existence of mean comments on the internet.  Specifically, she blames Dr. John Piper’s Desiring God website.

Sheila has to know that Piper was one of a handful of men who spearheaded the movement to invent a new meaning for 1-Tim 2:14, and to thereby legitimize women like Sheila and her daughter taking on preaching roles contrary to 1-Tim 2:11-12.  As Piper and Grudem wrote in their 1991 book  Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism, they wanted to create a new reading of 1 Tim 2:14 that assumed that when the Apostle Paul wrote “and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” he did not mean that women were more easily deceived than men (emphasis mine):

28. Do you think women are more gullible than men?

First Timothy 2:14 says, “Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” Paul gives this as one of the reasons why he does not permit women “to teach or have authority over a man.” Historically this has usually been taken to mean that women are more gullible or deceivable than men and therefore less fit for the doctrinal oversight of the church. This may be true (see question 29). However, we are attracted to another understanding of Paul’s argument.

Later in the same book Dr. Douglass Moo explained why it is so important for complementarians to adopt this new feminist reading of 1-Tim 2:14.  Without this new interpretation, complementarians can’t justify rewriting 1-Tim 2:11-12 (emphasis mine):

If the issue, then, is deception, it may be that Paul wants to imply that all women are, like Eve, more susceptible to being deceived than are men, and that this is why they should not be teaching men!

[But this] would have a serious and strange implication. After all, does Paul care only that the women not teach men false doctrines? Does he not care that they not teach them to other women?

Sheila is repaying Dr. Piper’s favor by calling him a sexist.  This has immense power, because fear of being called a sexist is what drove Piper, Grudem, and the other men to make up a new meaning of 1 Tim 2:14 in the first place!

Sheila knows that after complementarian feminists took out Dr. Paige Patterson earlier this year, she and women like her are the new locus of power in the complementarian world:

This brings us to the core of Sheila’s message.  She and other women like her are now in charge, and the male leaders of the church had better recognize this and start obeying (mama ain’t happy):

This of course fits with the overall SJW revolution.  But what makes it noteworthy is Sheila and her SJW allies are now the force to be reckoned with within conservative/evangelical Christianity.

As commenter Emperor Constantine pointed out, we know where this will eventually lead complementarians.  It is merely a matter of how quickly they get there:



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