Commenter Joe describes how his wife used her feminine wiles to get his attention 32 years ago:
[I went] to a singles class thinking that I’d find a girl to my liking to marry. And I did. Actually, she found me there. Even though she remembers her first day sitting next to me, I’ve no recollection of that. I just remember her butting into one of my conversations. Her first words to me were “I’ll help you”. This was another month or two after her first day. Until she spoke to me, I didn’t know she existed. Bottom line: she showed an interest. So I let her help me. She painted the inside of my rent house all day with me. She specifically pointed out how she was dressed that day ( old T-shirt and jogging shorts) as if to apologize for looking so scruffy. Buy hey, we were just painting. And I found her little shorts and tight old t-shirt quite fetching LOL. Still do 32 years later!
The thing is, if one hot woman in the group had noticed what a catch Joe was, all of the women in the group had to have noticed the same thing. This was a Christian singles class, so all of the women there were ostensibly looking for a husband. Fortunately for Joe’s wife, the other women were waiting for him to boldly declare his desire to take them on a paid date with the hope of courting them for marriage. Joe’s (now) wife wasn’t about to stand back and let one of those bitches steal her man.
The reality of course is that all but the most clueless Christian women eventually figure this out, which is why we see so many women suddenly marrying in their 30s and even early 40s. The women who marry late in life didn’t suddenly get thinner, prettier, or sweeter. Nor did their options suddenly improve. Their options in fact got worse over time, as smart women like Joe’s wife poached all of the best prospects, leaving the slowpokes to duke it out for the leftovers.
I had NO IDEA who she was! Never laid eyes on her before.
All I could see was that she was a 5’10” brown eyed 125lb stunner. So “yeah sure you can come help”!!
Turns out she was and still is a VERY hard worker.We still laugh about that day and how she showed herself off to me so obviously and the tension between us.
As obvious as it was, it was also deniable had nothing come of it. Here was a Christian sister offering to help a brother in Christ. It would be different if she made a habit of doing this for all of the attractive men in the group, which is why it is important for a woman to learn her SMV/MMV as quickly as possible so she can aim high, but not too high.
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