It turns out they *both* want a tall man.

What are the odds?*

Update Sept 17:  The video was deleted some time yesterday evening, but the youtube channel is still available for context.  See also Larry Kummer’s slightly edited transcript snips in the discussion below.

This demonstrates the cruelty of Focus on the Family/Glenn Stanton’s message to Christian women looking to marry. Neither of the two women give any indication in the nine and a half minute video that they understand they aren’t the only ones choosing, that they are being silently rejected by men just as they are silently ruling nearly all men out. Clearly there is something wrong with men if these two young Christian women aren’t forced to choose from a long line of 6 ft 1 (or taller) sexy Christian men who declare their desire to court them for marriage.

H/T: Red Pill Latecomer

*Their shock when they realize they both are looking for a man 6 ft 1 and above reminds me of the line in idiocracy where the two men realize they share common interests: So you like money and sex? You’re trippin’ me out!


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