Did I lie about Matt Chandler?

This is the most obvious case of mirroring I’ve seen in a long time. Many of their accusations about you refer – quite obviously, imo – to themselves.

–Larry Kummer, Editor of Fabius Maximus

In OKRickety’s transcript, the men of Pastor Bayly’s Clearnote Church accuse me of lying by misquoting Pastor Matt Chandler:

[47:14] – Look, nobody in this room has any great respect for Matt Chandler. Nope. Correct. But, come on, you can accuse Chandler at all kinds of things. You can accuse him of all kinds of things. You can accuse him of not going far enough, you can accuse him of playing strictly to women of the crowd, you can accuse him of all kinds of things. You can accuse him of not asserting a woman’s own responsibility to resist temptation but to say that he somehow in this specific quote asserts anything more than a good husband is a good protection against temptation” is just a lie. It’s just a lie.

– Well. You know,  I’m guessing the Chandler in the rest of the sermon probably doesn’t go far enough. I mean, if I had to guess, I don’t know, nothing on Earth could compel me to bother to actually listen and find out honestly, but probably he doesn’t.

Note that after calling me a liar, Nathan says he couldn’t be bothered to actually check to see if my characterization was accurate!  They were referring to this quote (see the full exchange).  Note that I provided a link not only to the audio, but the transcript:

Pastor Matt Chandler makes the same argument in his sermon Women’s Hurdles (transcript). Chandler explains that if a Christian husband fulfills his responsibility to love his wife, she can’t be tempted into feminist rebellion:

Really, men, here is a great way to gauge how you’re serving, loving, and practicing your headship. If the most secularized feminist in the world showed up in your home and began to kind of coach your wife toward freedom and liberation from your tyranny, our wives should be so well cared for, so nourished, so sowed into and loved, they would say, “What you’re describing is actually tyranny. I love where I am. I am honored. I am encouraged. My man sacrifices so that I might grow in my gifts. He will oftentimes lay down his own desires in order to serve me more. My husband goes to bed tired at night. He pours into our children. He encourages me. All that comes out of his mouth, sans a couple of little times here and there, is him building me up in love.”

Men, here is a good opportunity. If you’re like, “Well, gosh, I don’t think she would say that at all,” then, men, I think on the way home, you should probably repent and confess before the Lord to your wife.

This stuff is flat out nuts, but no one notices within conservative Christianity because it is so common and it has been going on for so long.

I urge anyone who is interested to click on the link Nathan and company couldn’t be bothered to click.  The way I characterized Pastor Matt Chandler’s argument was not a lie.  He really did tell men that they way they should gauge their performance as a husband was if their wife could be tempted into resentment by secular feminism.  He didn’t just say as Nathan asserts:

a good husband is a good protection against temptation

Chandler went so far as to tell husbands that if they thought their wives could be tempted into feminist resentment, they should apologize to their wives.  Moreover, he said this in a sermon on women’s sins!   I included Chandler’s line about husbands needing to apologize if their wife feels tempted by feminism in the quote I shared with Nathan, but Nathan and the Warhorn crew left it out when pretending that I had misrepresented Chandler.  Here is the extended quote from OKRickety’s transcript:

[44:25] – All right guys welcome back from the break. End of Devil’s advocacy. We’re all on the same page here. So let’s talk about Dalrock’s methods, because there’s a larger point we want to make about this guy. You can read the whole interview with Dalrock for yourself Warhornmedia.com to get the full context. But we’re going to pull a few quotes, talk through how Dalrock does what he does. And what it says about him. To do that let’s play a little game I call “Who said it?” Matt Chandler. You guys know Matt Chandler, right?

– Oh, he’s famous. He’s the lead pastor of teaching at Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas. He’s the president of the Acts 29 network of churches.

– The very same Matt Chandler. Now Matt Chandler can be, I don’t know, lame, pretty weak sauce about some things, lots of things. But, that being put to the side, let’s play “Who said it?” Matt Chandler, Dalrock, or me, Nathan Albertson? Ben, read the first quote if you will.

– Sure.

– We’re going to read three quotes. One of them was said by Dalrock, one of them was said by Nathan, one of them was said by Pastor Chandler. Go ahead.

– Okay. “If the most secularized feminist in the world showed up in your home and began to try to coach your wife toward freedom and liberation from tyranny, our wives should be so well cared for, so nourished, so sowed into and loved, they would say what you are describing is actually tyranny.”

[45:44] – Jake read that second quote please.

– “If a husband loves his wife and rules over her well, she will be less likely to be tempted to rebel just the same as if a king loves his subjects and rules over them well, they’ll be less tempted to rebel.”

– And, Ben, read the third quote please.

– “Wives with good husbands can most easily overcome the temptation we dangle to not respect and submit to them. Likewise for children of good fathers.”

– Hmmm. Those all sound kind of similar but alright who said it, fellas?

– Kaiser Skulzi said them all. It’s a trick.

– Nope!

– Big twist! Nathan really is Dalrock and he’s working with Matt Chandler.

– Nope. Also gross.

– Okay okay. Ben. Real answer for your first one.

– The first one is Chandler.

– Second one?

– Nathan.

– Oh, interesting. And third?

– Dalrock.

– I am the meat in this truth sandwich, guys. Delicious! Wow. All right but those quotes do all kind of sound the same, especially if you read them with any degree of charity.

– Yeah. You guys would think so. Okay, so in our interview Dalrock characterizes this stuff as follows: “Chandler explains that if a Christian husband fulfills his responsibility to love his wife, she can’t be tempted into feminist rebellion” and again “women can’t be tempted into feminist rebellion if their husbands love them sufficiently” So that’s his characterization of what Chandler is saying.

– I just can’t believe that. That’s completely dishonest.

– What? Dishonest? Jake, Whatever can you mean?

[47:14] – Look, nobody in this room has any great respect for Matt Chandler. Nope. Correct. But, come on, you can accuse Chandler at all kinds of things. You can accuse him of all kinds of things. You can accuse him of not going far enough, you can accuse him of playing strictly to women of the crowd, you can accuse him of all kinds of things. You can accuse him of not asserting a woman’s own responsibility to resist temptation but to say that he somehow in this specific quote asserts anything more than a good husband is a good protection against temptation” is just a lie. It’s just a lie.

– Well. You know,  I’m guessing the Chandler in the rest of the sermon probably doesn’t go far enough. I mean, if I had to guess, I don’t know, nothing on Earth could compel me to bother to actually listen and find out honestly, but probably he doesn’t.

– Duh. There’s lots of pastors who don’t… they won’t call women moral agents. And these are women who…they are in simple rebellion against God against their husbands, and their pastors are not going to call them out.

[48:08] – Yeah, and we have to deal with those guys in real-life situations all the time. So that gives Dalrock license to lie about Matt Chandler. Duh. Right?


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