On Friday Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike to protest abortion laws in Georgia. The response has been mixed. Sirena Bergman, a scold at the Independent, objected to such a patriarchal proposal:
Women still struggle to advocate for their own autonomy, consent and pleasure when it comes to sex with men. They’re still constantly judged on their sexual appeal to men. The idea that all women’s power lies in their sexuality is one of the most pervasive evils of a patriarchal society – and this is exactly what Milano is reinforcing.
Bergman proposed instead the forced sterilization of offending “sperm havers”:
On the other end of the spectrum, the Daily Wire responded with a hilarious satirical piece: Men Forced To Make Love To Wives As Alyssa Milano Goes On Sex Strike [Satire]
Finally it occurred to me that Alyssa Milano’s sex strike didn’t actually affect me since she’s some Hollywood actress I’ve never met and I wasn’t having sex with her anyway, so I just went home to my wife, who’s always been very nice to me and makes an absolutely spectacular meat loaf and is pretty good at sex too.”
Many feminists, however, flocked to join Milano’s sex strike, though a feminist sex strike is sort of like a Hollywood writer’s strike since most of the people going on strike haven’t been working all that much anyway.
As this post goes to press I have not been able to confirm rumors that Pastor Doug Wilson is writing a detailed piece explaining that since neither Milano nor Bergman are medical doctors, it would take at least a thousand years before they could understand that abortion is wrong.
Update: In Pastor Wilson’s defense, 1,000 years may not be long enough to explain the issue to Bergman:
Related: Sex Cartel!
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