Ugly feminists on a plane.

As I’ve shared previously, feminists have been wildly successful in bending the legal system to enable women to dominate men:

This is normal to us, so we tend not to notice it.  But there are exceptions, including the viral video below.

Keep in mind that the model we teach police, judges, and other court officials across the US insists that the reason for domestic violence is that men are seeking to exert power and control over women.  In fact, a man exerting power and control over a woman is the very definition of domestic violence according to Duluth.  This is confusing because most people assume domestic violence is about violence, but feminists have redefined the subject entirely.

In theory, a woman threatening and beating her husband or boyfriend for looking at other women isn’t guilty of mere assault, but domestic violence.  Or at least that would be the case if the sexes were reversed.  So far I don’t see any stories describing the actual charges she is facing.  Given that the video has gone viral it is possible the prosecutor will go against the teachings of Duluth and charge her the way he would charge a man in the same situation.  It will be interesting to see.

From: Countering Confusion about the Duluth Model (emphasis mine):

We still live in a sexist society where women are devalued, where many men believe they are entitled to be in control in an intimate relationship, and where men who batter believe they have the right to use violence. While it is a goal to change the attitudes of men who batter, the ultimate goal of the Duluth Model has always been to ensure that victims are safer by having the state intervene to stop the violence and address the power imbalance inherent in relationships where one person has been systematically dominated and subjugated by another.

The underpinnings of the Duluth curriculum do come from a historical analysis. When Europeans came to this continent, they brought religion, laws, and economic systems that institutionalized the status of women as the property of men through marriage. From the church to the state, there was not only acceptance of male supremacy, but also an expectation that husbands would maintain the family order by controlling their wives. Various indiscretions committed by wives were offenses to be punished by husbands. This system of male dominance (like any social structure where one group oppresses another) was perpetuated by: a) a belief in the primacy of men over women; b) institutional rules requiring the submission of women to men; c) the objectification of women which made violence acceptable; and d) the right of men to use violence to punish with impunity (Dobash and Dobash 1983).

Stating that domestic violence is gender neutral is not only disingenuous, but also has serious public policy implications… Men and women use violence in very different ways, and therefore our response must be different.

…We do agree that there are a small number of women who use violence resulting in police action against their partners without themselves being abused. This is not a social problem requiring institutional organizing in the way that men’s violence against women is.


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