Iâve never been much of meathead gym-rat. I played sports in high school, including track and field, but was fed the line that weight lifting would âbulk me upâ and âslow me down.â I never really had much more than a slender, athletic buildâmuscular, but thinâa development that I attribute to several subsequent years of running distance to stay in shape. There was a time where Iâd go on 10- or 12-mile runs like nothing, getting even thinner in the process.
My fitness decisions were based on a series of embarrassingly inaccurate myths, including the notion that endurance training was best for my âoverall healthâ andâ more importantlyâ that most girls âdidnât really like muscular guysâ anyway. In more recent years, Iâd gradually degenerated into a skinny-fat build borne from a combination of boredom and laziness—not horribly out-of-shape, but with a weak-looking question-mark posture, a slightly protruding man-pooch, and nascent man boobs.
The whole thing came to a head, hilariously, when I was examining a sex video Iâd made with an ex-girlfriend, and I saw what my body looked like from a distance. Here I was, filming this for posterity, and I couldnât bear to look at myself. Something needed to change. I went back to what I knew. I started jogging, doing light resistance training with an emphasis on reps over weight, and quickly noticed a difference. Within, Iâd say, two months, I looked noticeably thinner again. I was back at zero.
This time around, though, I had a theory I wanted to test out. For years, people—including chicks—had been beating that same drum that only a small subset of girls liked muscular dudes. Years earlier, Iâd abandoned taking advice from most people about girls—especially from girls—realizing it was irretrievably stupid. So why would this be accurate? I basically hadn’t gone back and revised that part of my knowledge base to new realities.
So I decided to run an experiment on myself. âLetâs see what happens if I get a little ripped.â I picked up a series of weightlifting books, revised my workout routine with a focus on strength training, bought some weightlifting gloves, and started hitting the gym on the regular. One of the bread-and-butter components of my Workout Routine 1.0 had been a home workout. I’d do a series of body-weight exercises, with an emphasis on flexibility and endurance. I updated that process to focus on muscle-gain. I made a concerted effort to eat at home more often, eating protein and vegetables at better intervals. I started taking vitamins, including zinc and magnesium. I played hype songs on loop while doing push-ups and dips like a prison inmate.
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It wasnât long before I was in a zone. I was lifting at the gym three or four days a week, and supplementing that with a day or two of home workout. The differences in my physique and behavior were noticeable. Previously fitted shirts became snug around my arms and chest. My posture improved, making me look longer and sturdier. I threw out the trash shirtless.
Girlsâ reactions were a lot more interesting. Iâd catch them staring—sometimes several times during a conversation—at my arms and chest. Girlsâ hands would linger on certain parts of my body when they would do one of those you’re-so-funny pawings. The nerdiest, most bookish girls, the kind who like sci-fi and talk with a slight lisp—who most people never-in-a-million-years would imagine cared about such things—would oooh and ahhh when Iâd tell them to feel my biceps and half-jokingly explain that I was “in the middle of getting ripped.” I had unwittingly leveled-up.
Hereâs the thing: if you were to see me in the street right now, youâd never call me buff. By any serious measure, Iâm just getting started. As 2013 gets underway, my “resolution” is to cement these gains and push them to the next level. Interestingly, at the same time that my humble progress has gotten me better attention from better girls, it has become less and less about them. Working out has become my thing.
But, if you pick up anything from my little experiment, itâs this: every girl—regardless of what she, or anyone else, says—likes muscles on a guy. Don’t believe otherwise.
Read More: The Power of Shame
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