The Death Of Ladies Night In America

You’ve all seen the promotions.  Bars and clubs go out of their way to have one or two nights a week geared, at least in appearance, to entice and attract the fairer sex.  But how are such nights actually received by the women they are directed towards?  From my experience the answer turns on where you are in the world.  Let’s take a look at some examples:

United States

In the U.S. there are two separate factors that impact the efficacy and frequency of Ladies’ Nights.  First, we are in the era of the feminist voice that claims equal rights and non-preferential treatment, as well as the unnecessarily revered “sex and the city” independent woman.  This leads to a falsified belief among most women that “Ladies’ Nights” are not desirable and, accordingly, should be skipped.

A feminist would not acquiesce to receiving preferential treatment and therefore would not attend.  Those women modeling themselves over arguably one of the biggest myths of current female rationalization—the allure of the well-educated, overachieving aging woman—would rather get the girls together at the trendy rooftop bar and discuss the latest men in their rotation, glancing at their smartphones every few minutes to make sure they didn’t miss anything on Instagram.

In other words the idea that these American women actually take advantage of Ladies’ Nights, and in turn make it a good option for men to attend for the abundance of women to speak to, does not actually exist.  As a Los Angeles resident, Ladies’ Nights are sparse and those that do arise are typically fests of sausage.

The second reason—which may explain the dearth of Ladies’ Nights in the first place in places such as Los Angeles—is that several states have made it illegal to discriminate based on gender.  Promotions such as “ladies free” or “2 for 1 drinks for ladies” are prohibited.  Legally and socially, it is predicated upon the notion that men and women are equal and thus one class should not be favored over the other in any respect.

Take California for example.  By law, a business establishment cannot discriminate based on gender.  If one does, they can be subjected to a civil lawsuit and fined a minimum of $4,000 per instance of discrimination.  While California tries to mar the fundamental tenets of natural gender interaction via this law, thankfully few places actually abide by it.  Have you been in line at a hot club before and seen attractive scantily clad girls walk right in, whereas the men are charged upwards of $50 per head for admission?  Of course you have.  I would also guess that once you do get inside, there are no complaints voiced for being surrounded by an abundance of thin girls in heels and dresses that were able to easily circumvent such “equal” rights.


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If such laws exist, then why do we see examples of its defiance on a consistent basis?  Wouldn’t it be better to completely enforce and mandate equality?  Force hot girls to wait in line with Steve and John?  While this may make for a great time in line, it pushes attractive girls to forums where their value is recognized and rewarded.  Fortunately this is only a private right of action, meaning an individual has to sue to enforce this law.  This considerably lessens the frequency of enforcement over those mediums regulated by governmental supervision.

Eastern Europe

Now imagine the complete opposite.  The women are feminine rather than feminist.  In fact, they do not even understand feminist ideology.  Next, there is no police state in place imposing laws of equality countering evolutionary psychology.  This lovely mix yields a very positive result for men who, upon deciding to frequent a Ladies’ Night in these countries, are treated to something considerably better than what one finds here domestically.  Let me relate two stories from my recent trip abroad.

In Poznan, Poland, my friends and I stumbled into a small bar on a Thursday night after noticing several girls inside.  Once inside, those “several” morphed into “numerous.”  Pretty soon we realized the ratio was about 90/10 girls to guys.  The approachability of girls inside was at an astronomical level.  What gave rise to this favorable scenario?  It was “Ladies’ Night” where girls drank for free.  And because the girls here welcomed the promotion, it resulted in an abundance of girls, mostly college-aged (i.e. without money) there to take advantage of the complimentary cocktails.  We had a great night, met many endearing girls dancing, talking and flirting the night away without ever running out of girls to talk to.

Now take Poland and put it on steroids, and you have Ukraine where femininity and discrimination hit you like an anvil in the face.  In Kiev several places host Ladies’ Nights throughout the week.  One particular bar my friend and I went to—which soon became our “spot” for obvious reasons—goes even further with the Ladies’ Night concept.  In addition to free drinks, men are forbidden entry until midnight.  When the hands coincide at 12, the men walk in and are treated to a display of an entire room full of young, feminine girls dressed to the nines and tipsy off their free booze.

This also acts as a self-filtering process, as the girls that stay after the free booze (which many do), do so to meet men.  A large portion of our success within Kiev came from this Ladies’ Night.  Coincidence?  Possibly.  But I am rather confident the existence of this promotion did not hurt.

But as we all know, we are wrong.  We are idiots.  America is great and how dare we think otherwise.  I know that every time I travel, I can’t wait to go back home to the frumpy girl in flats, shoulder pads and hipster pants who snarks at me for interrupting her conversation about the latest Housewives episode.

Read More: The Ironies Of Female Empowerment


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