Much has been written on the ‘evils’ of porn, from moral objections to psychological effects. Personally I find porn completely drains me of all motivation to talk to girls, or work on a campaign. However, there are two things all of us here at Return of Kings can learn from porn:
1. Every Girl Has A Buying Price
One of the larger trends in the porn world is a fake casting kind of deal. A professional looking man is a âcasting agentâ for large porn production companies. He invites the women in and gives them a breakdown of how the porn industry works, asks them a few questions and before you know it his dick is in their ass.
One might claim âbut these are scripted! The girls have been in porn before or know the setup.â I say âso what?â These women are still getting rawdogged, throat fucked, ass fucked, choked, and creampied by a complete stranger. Yes they get paid, maybe they do it because they have ’emotional wounds’, maybe they like the attention or the thrill of pleasing voyeurs like yourself, maybe they are genuinely very sexual and are passionate about taking dick. Who knows, but there is a reason why they do it.
What can we learn from this?
Every girl has a buying price. This doesn’t mean a monetary buying price, but the point at which she is so attracted to you she decides to have sex with you. For some girls it could be the way you pulled her head back and pushed her into the wall while making out, for others it could be a ‘romantic’ gesture such as sharing a bottle of wine with a great view, for others it could be logical âthis guy could provide well for our childrenâ and on and on. Its your job to find out.
2. Never Put A Girl On A Pedestal
Every woman has a threshold you can reach to sleep with her. Does this then mean all women are whores? It certainly does not, but it does mean that you should not pedestalize any single woman. Thinking she is above her biological imperative is foolish.
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A sex scandal surrounding Miss Teen Delaware has been blowing up lately. If you’re not familiar: a video was leaked of her freshly 18-year-old ass being plundered by some dude in a cheesy motel. The situation plays out like I described before. He asks her some questions and they get to fucking. She happily takes a load to the face and thoroughly enjoys it. Danger and Play recently covered this story so I’ll quote:
Miss Teen Delaware was literally put on a pedestal. She was given a crown and treated like royalty.
Men who met her felt intimidated. They viewed their sexual attraction for her as something immoral, unnatural even. They would feel odd approaching a nice girl like her. Sheâs too special, too precious, too delicate, too innocent.
The girl you view as a precious, delicate snowflake who must be protected is getting railed in a Motel 6 by a herpes-infected ex-con.
To me the most illogical facet of the average males’ mind is that of pedestalization. They could jerk off five times a day for their whole life to different women. They can see every imaginable act being performed on every imaginable type of woman, yet they still fear that by expressing their sexuality they will tarnish such a beautiful specimen of female-kind. Like I said every woman has a point at which she will sleep with a man. Sex is the most natural thing in the world and yet guys think their oneitis is an inhuman, paragon of chasteness.
With enough comfort a girl will be open to doing almost anything. Her comfort must reach her sex-threshold before you can make sweet, passionate, tender, romantic, slow, love to her. If you’ve vowed to never watch porn again keep these lessons in mind and you’ll thank yourself once you seduce the cute girl from the coffee shop.
Read Next: American Women Simply Canât Compete
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