The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

I came across a flyer advertising on a bulletin in my city’s (Victoria) university, and I was shocked. The feminist movement seems to be strongest in Canada’s largest cities, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. Their latest novelty? An esteemed event called the “SlutWalk” which is a fundraiser parade for women against “victim blaming” and rape culture.

How SlutWalk Started

The SlutWalk is started in Toronto, Ontario after a comment made by Constable Michael Sanguinetti on Crime Prevention at York University, stating that women should avoid dressing in a promiscuous manner to decrease the likelihood of rape encounters. This angered the sluts of Toronto and 3,000 of them gathered at Queen’s Park for fellowship and a march to the local police station.

The Aim Of SlutWalk

Originally, it was recommended for the participants to dress in average clothing, but many CHOSE to dress like whores instead (lingerie, stripper boots, you get the picture). They do this to protest rape culture, end victim blaming, and create a feminist-dominated society where women can choose to dress as they like and not have to suffer misogynistic comments and those dreaded whistles as they parade through the streets. In short, the event is trying to promote the idea that women should be able to dress and act as sexual and provocatively as they want, without drawing any sexual attention from the opposite sex.

Why The SlutWalk Is Stupid

The name says it all. As the wave of feminism begins to rise in society (Mainly North America), the idea of being a slut and acting like men is starting to become accepted by most women. This event is hardly a protest against rape as it is a club for whores looking to popularize their skank-religion. The statement “Against slut-shaming” contradicts itself because it is shameful to be a slut. If women think dressing like sluts shouldn’t draw any attention compared to dressing normally, they have another thing coming. By this reasoning I should be able to dress as a policeman and not be asked for help, or be naked and not be called a nudist. It’s one thing to protest against rape and raise awareness, it’s another to be a self-declared slut and make a parade celebrating it. SlutWalk is only 2 years old. Let’s stop this contagion before it becomes another tax-deductible North American tradition.


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11 Pictures Of Slutwalks

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

The SlutWalk Is Coming To a City Near You

For more information on how to crash a SlutWalk, visit Slutwalk Victoria BC.

Read More: 3 Signs She’s Making A False Rape Accusation


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