Game Can Protect You From False Rape Accusations

Game Can Protect You From False Rape Accusations

Many stories in the Manosphere warn of false rape accusations.  Roosh penned How To Avoid A False Rape Accusation and published Samseau’s 3 Signs She’s Making A False Rape Accusation. A whole thread at the RooshV Forum discusses this problem:  Avoiding False Rape Accusations.

False Accusation Paranoia

A common perspective incorrectly presumes that most accusations stem from bad sex, when a woman has sexual shame and recrimination. She then uses the false accusation as a psychological “anti-slut defense” to deny her willing promiscuity. This narrative is generally wrong, and the consequent advice will do little to prevent false rape allegations. Worse, it blames the victims. It presumes that even if men are legally innocent of rape, that “they must have done something.” Perhaps they enjoyed illicit sex, were insensitive lovers, encouraged attached women to cheat, or generally “took advantage” of partners.

According to Robert Hazelwood and Ann Burgess, Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation: A Multidisciplinary Approach,

In false rape allegations, generally all three components of the allegation are false (i.e., the act, the perpetrator, and the circumstances). … The pseudovictim has a conscious understanding that the complaint is false.

These are not cases of ambiguous consent, of sex gone bad, or subsequent recrimination. Instead, these cases involve complete fabrication.

3 Real Reasons for False Accusations

Women have different motivations for inventing these stories. Some are psychologically disturbed and want attention or sympathy. Some have financial motives. And others manufacture an alibi that covers their own misbehavior, e.g., missing curfew or having an affair.

1. Attention-seeking

Fortunately, many false allegations fail to charge a specific individual. The pseudovictim might present superficial, self-inflicted injuries to bolster her case.   But then she provides vague details that do not risk exposing her lies by identifying a specific attacker. In these cases, a formal proceeding or prosecution that might expose the truth would not serve the woman’s interest. Thus in many cases, false allegations do not involve accusations.

2. Financial Motivation

The famous Brian Banks case illustrates financial motivation, where the pseudovictim garnered a reported $1,500,000 settlement.  It is important to recognize that although he knew the pseudovictim, Brian Banks never had sex with her. Notably, he did not defend himself in court. Instead, he accepted a reduced sentence by pleading no-contest to assault charges.

3. Alibi

The need for alibi is a big concern. Famous examples include the Cathleen Crowell and Tawana Brawley episodes. In both cases, the girls invented stories to conceal liaisons with their boyfriends. Importantly, women who need alibis for sexual indiscretions do not typically accuse their actual lovers. Instead they usually want to see those men again.  Even in the case of one-night stands, it could be terribly inconvenient to accuse a real consensual partner of rape. The paramour may have evidence and witnesses that contradict the accusation.

Vorkuta’s case from the RooshV Forum illustrates these issues. One of Vorkuta’s co-defendants did not even have sex with the pseudovictim. The case was ultimately thrown out mid-trial because of inconsistent accuser testimony and contradictory evidence. Ironically, the circumstances of actual (consensual) sex left evidence to help rebut the false accusations.

How To Avoid False Accusations

To quote Vorkuta,

So the question was how to avoid these allegations from happening: I have no idea.

Obviously it is difficult to avoid completely fictitious allegations. Video cameras cannot exonerate you by recording things that never happened. From the bachelors’ perspective, it is instructive to examine the minority of cases that involve actual sex. They have one common denominator: the false-accusers do not want repeat sex with the accused.

When women are attracted to men, they want to see them again. If they need alibis, then they would rather accuse strangers than their actual lovers. Men with “game” have women chasing them. These men stay aloof, they are good lovers, and they keep the women coming back for more. The wrong lesson from the false rape alarmists is that promiscuous men put themselves at risk of false allegations. But false accusations rarely stem from actual sex. If anything, consensual affairs leave an evidence trail to exonerate the man. In this sense, game already protects men.

Read More:  Feminists Try To Debunk False Rape Culture With False Data


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