The concept of being monogamous has traditionally been associated with women while men have been cast as the villains of relationships, as the polygamists.
As we all know well, barring any unusual circumstances, testosterone is at much higher levels in men than women and biologically we are hardwired to want to have sex with women (like all mammals) to continue the human race. The indisputable fact is men are biologically different, and as a result of growth from this difference, psychologically different to women.
The PC Bandwagon
An often discussed sense of entitlement has used political correctness to change how female infidelity has been framed. With the media’s only goal being to garner views or sell units, any expansion of political correctness are fully welcomed, as with this expansion comes more opportunities to highlight ‘shocking’ stories of, for example, male infidelity. Because women tend to absorb fiction, these stories are lapped up by them and used to justify their beliefs about male attitudes towards monogamy and in turn, what is acceptable for themselves to do.
The net result of this is the normalization of female infidelity, based on a perception of all male attitudes towards the same subject, dismissing any possibility a modern male may indeed have their own principles on monogamy. The entire male consciousness is aggregated into a single sweeping presupposition for females to do as they wish. This gets reinforced daily by the media buy in, with women portraying themselves as helplessly buffeted victims of the uncontrollable libido whirlwind of adulterous men.
We see this victim mentality manifested all the time, in every aspect of the media and in our own lives. Starting from tired entertainment storylines of female focused love triangles, the burnt out clichés of women having extra marital affairs or in the case of no marriage, the disguise of unauthentic behaviour; the effect begins to filter through into our real lives, all the while the pretense being masqueraded as an excuse for women to justify to themselves and their peers that they are not sluts.
If a man is to cheat in a relationship, it is because he is a cold, heartless, animalistic beast; ‘how could he do that to her’, ‘she never deserved that’ etc. When the roles are reversed however, with the woman cheating on the man, even if there appears to be no substantial grounding upon which to exonerate themselves, women probe for rationale; ‘we’ve been having some problems’, he was working late a lot’, ‘I’ve been under a lot of stress recently’, ‘I just don’t love him any more’. Anything they can attach themselves too, that alleviates the nagging self acknowledgement they just wanted to fuck someone else, because they think men are doing nothing else but this.
Real Life
I have been fortunate enough to have developed my level of game to a reasonable level; mostly day game through a long learning process beginning a few years ago and I humbly present to you, these real world examples I have personally experienced;
- A girl I met on a foreign training based course, who had been in a two year plus long distance relationship, who after one date initially hesitated to kiss me. After this barrier had been passed soon after on our next date however, I was quickly invited for a weekend of sex back in her country, with her having no intention of leaving her boyfriend after as in her own words, she ‘just wanted to be fucked’. It transpired two other men had recently also recently been invited to this weekend arrangement before me.
- A woman I’d met who went from telling me how distraught she was over her husband telling her he wanted a divorce earlier that week; so distraught she was fellating me and fucking me that same night to console herself.
- Another woman who during our first ‘friendly drink’ suggested we have the day before, decided to tell me in detail over two hours how although things were difficult between her and her husband , she loved him and their kids ‘very much’. Shortly afterwards, she had drove me home, where we fucked in a variety of positions, calling me ‘babe” as she came again. She then drove home with a smile on her face, to tell her husband what a great ‘yoga class’ she’d had that night.
- The sudden agreement of a girl to come and visit me from my previous country, after a couple of my previous suggestions to do this were refused on the basis of ‘my boyfriend’ – turns out although they are still together, they’d had an argument and I quote; she “’didn’t give a fuck anymore.’ On arrival, it seemed to be quite the opposite as we didn’t even make it to the bedroom before me being deep inside her.
- An immigrant girl from Poland I met, who had been single-handedly taught language, assisted in finding a job and provided for / housed by her partner of over seven years, free of charge upon her arrival in the country who; after she told me she ‘hadn’t been fucked like that since high school’, explained to me she did this with me as her friends had suggested to her it’s ‘a good idea’ to have a lover, alongside her saviour boyfriend.
- A girl I’d met at the gym, who after our second date suggested we go back to my place. After her 6th orgasm, she let slip; ‘Oh God, what if my husband also wants to have sex with me tonight’ – further questioning revealed she was planning on leaving him but ‘wanted to stay friends as he means so much to me’. So much I found, she also already was fucking another guy (also married).
I could go on as these are just a selection of personal experiences. No doubt you’ll have had also seen examples while running game.
The Media Gravy Train
Therein lies the problem for our female counterparts; they are doing what they are told they ‘should do’, rather than searching within themselves for what they genuinely want to do (as every person should). Part of these unspoken feminist-driven rules is ‘cheating is bad’. With the help of the media, feminist thought has normalised the popular ‘rules’ of the dating game, amongst which now include;
- It’s ok to ‘date’ multiple men at the same time (this includes fucking them).
- You have no commitment to anyone if you are ‘seeing’ (read ‘fucking’) someone – this word intentionally chosen by women because of its ambiguity.
- If you are in what has been announced as a ‘serious’ relationship, should the man not reach a certain standard in any one area (such as fucking her at the frequency she sets, solely organising original & enough ‘bonding’ activities for the relationship, the man occasionally desiring time to himself or with friends etc), the women is permitted a ‘grace fuck’, whereby should she choose to fuck someone else, the blame shall lie solely with the man in the area of his ‘failure’ and he should forgive her, with the promise of improving in said area.
- If at any point, the relationship is agreed to be over, the woman may then immediately do whatever she likes with whoever, with the new involvement being given a rationalising label (rebound, shoulder to cry on, etc), where no judgement shall be passed upon her prior efforts within the previous relationship. Inversely, should a man do exactly the same, his commitment to the relationship shall be questioned to the point of his new involvement being implicated as a cause of failure in the previous relationship, as it is unthinkable the honourable female would not have been entirely committed to the relationship (regardless of who she is fucking immediately after it ends).
- If afterwards, the man should wish to rekindle the relationship after a break up, he must prove himself with at least double the efforts required by any other man. During this second dating period (as with any dating period) it is permissible for the woman to continue to sleep with whoever she chooses. In the event of an official relationship reconciliation, the woman is permitted an undefined amount of time to conclude her sexual dalliances with any other men, which may include departing sexual relations where required.
…and this list could go on. Although these prior points may seem almost contractual in their nature, this is what the modern man is up against; the end game of consistently self serving feminine emulation of natural male behaviour.
Female Perception
During my own journey from blinded, naive romantic to hardened red pill realist, the one thing I have noticed time and time again is the futility of monogamy; providing you are honest / stealthy enough, the ultimate outcome of your relationship will remain the same.
Regardless of the bravado displayed by some men, there will inevitably be some sort of relationship in your life that has more of an emotional effect on you, wanted or not. It’s at this point where the small part of you still believing in the concept of romantic love and may begin to make you question your approach to monogamy, whether it be disposing of your harem or even just committing yourself to dating one woman. You’ll feel inclined to do this, as it’s been subconsciously foisted upon us in society as being a foundation of a successful relationship.
In my experience, most women will officially end the relationship before fucking anyone else. That’s not to say they won’t have done anything at all with someone else before the officialise the breakup with you, as they’ll need some sort of spur, which the vast majority of the time will be them knowing some replacement cock is lined up, ready to go because they’ve kissed someone or someone has made it patently clear they’ll fuck her. Because of the combination of the media and modern peer expectations, when it comes to sex, women love it just as much as men, but for very different reasons – it’s the ultimate form of validation & a great way to fit in with ‘the girls’ melodrama.
Counterbalancing Technicalities
Unless you’re fucking oblivious or at best, only beginning to discover red pill philosophy, you may have observed subscribing to this profile of a ‘good man’ tends to result in a unattractive package for men; essentially living as a machine giving away everything you earn, with barely any time to pursue your own interests under duress of being a ‘responsible’ man, whose main interest is those permitted as in line with your partner, minus something innocuous such as a sport, to prevent complete psychosis and /or revolt.
I can state without reservation; do not feel guilty for these thoughts & desires. Do the opposite and embrace them. Because whatever you do to yourself in restraint will not be seen or appreciated by the person you feel you are doing it for, as any belief that you may be an individual thinker trying to do what you think is right, will be washed aside and replaced by the tar-brushed assumption that you are ‘only a man’ & ‘all men are the same’. So go forth and do what needs to be done to ensure you are bringing someone into your life, that adds something more than a pussy into your world.
And if you ever have doubts or need a further spur to take this type of affirmative action for the benefit of yourself, remember that 95% of women are not only scrutinising and comparing you while they are in a relationship, they are always actively keeping backup options as ‘friends’ until the day comes when they ‘just don’t think it’s working anymore’ with you, coincidentally enough when they realised there’s a different cock waiting for them.
When this day happens, do you want to be the person wondering why you spent all this time devoted to this person who has been mentally fucking other people practically since you’ve been with her, or the person who realises they did the right thing by prioritising their own needs over a fallacy of ‘being a good man’ in the eyes of those who are not men, but took it upon themselves to decide what you wanted to be?
I thought so. So no need to worry about monogamy.
Read more: Dictionary Of American Girlspeak, Volume II
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