America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation

America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation

In an interesting article written nearly ten years ago, a writer by the name of Orson Scott Card has forecasted a lot of what has happened with the rise of homosexual culture in America.

Civilization requires the suppression of natural impulses that would break down the social order. Civilization thrives only when most members can be persuaded to behave unnaturally, and when those who don’t follow the rules are censured in a meaningful way.

Why would men submit to rules that deprive them of the chance to satisfy their natural desire to mate with every attractive female?

Why would women submit to rules that keep them from trying to mate with the strongest (richest, most physically imposing, etc.) male, just because he already has a wife?

Because civilization provides the best odds for their children to live to adulthood. So even though civilized individuals can’t pursue the most obviously pleasurable and selfish (i.e., natural) strategies for reproduction, the fact is that they are far more likely to be successful at reproduction in a civilized society — whether they personally like the rules or not.

Civilizations that enforce rules of marriage that give most males and most females a chance to have children that live to reproduce in their turn are the civilizations that last the longest. It’s such an obvious principle that few civilizations have even attempted to flout it.

It’s not obvious anymore. We now live in age where people’s brains have been so washed that sex, a basic mammalian behavior, has to be legally codified by courts and women’s studies professors, then disseminated through rape-obsessed liberal writers.

In this delicate balance, it is safe to say that beginning with a trickle in the 1950s, but becoming an overwhelming flood in the 1960s and 1970s, we took a pretty good system, and in order to solve problems that needed tweaking, we made massive, fundamental changes that have had devastating consequences.

Now huge numbers of Americans know that the schools are places where their children are indoctrinated in anti-family values. Trust is not just going — for them it’s gone.

Huge numbers of children are deprived of two-parent homes, because society has decided to give legal status and social acceptance to out-of-wedlock parenting and couples who break up their marriages with little regard for what is good for the children.

The result is a generation of children with no trust in marriage who are mating in, at best, merely “marriage-like” patterns, and bearing children with no sense of responsibility to society at large; while society is trying to take on an ever greater role in caring for the children who are suffering — while doing an increasingly bad job of it.

Parents in a stable marriage are much better than schools at civilizing children. You have to be a fanatical ideologue not to recognize this as an obvious truth — in other words, you have to dumb down or radically twist the definition of “civilizing children” in order to claim that parents are not, on the whole, better at it.

We are so far gone down this road that it would take a wrenching, almost revolutionary social change to reverse it. And with the forces of P.C. orthodoxy insisting that the solutions to the problems they have caused is ever-larger doses of the disease, it is certain that any such revolution would be hotly contested.

Fanatical is a good word for what we are seeing today. It’s a complete breakdown of common sense and the knowledge that humanity has accumulated over the ages. Today’s progressive is ready to throw it all away, based on no evidence, to enact policies and laws that make them feel warm and snuggly inside. And the worst part of it is that they’re winning. Their power is increasing.

Calling a homosexual contract “marriage” does not make it reproductively relevant and will not make it contribute in any meaningful way to the propagation of civilization.

In fact, it will do harm. Nowhere near as much harm as we have already done through divorce and out-of-wedlock childbearing. But it’s another nail in the coffin. Maybe the last nail, precisely because it is the most obvious and outrageous attack on what is left of marriage in America.

Supporters of homosexual “marriage” dismiss warnings like mine as the predictable ranting of people who hate progress. But the Massachusetts Supreme Court has made its decision without even a cursory attempt to ascertain the social costs. The judges have taken it on faith that it will do no harm.

You can’t add a runway to an airport in America without years of carefully researched environmental impact statements. But you can radically reorder the fundamental social unit of society without political process or serious research.

You can’t even make a joke on Twitter using “faggot” without getting fired from your job, but you are expected to champion a change to the marriage contract that has worked for the human species for thousands of years. Soon enough, you will be brought under suspicion if pro-liberal positions are not found within your social media accounts.

Once this is regarded as settled law, anyone who tries to teach children to aspire to create a child-centered family with a father and a mother will be labeled as a bigot and accused of hate speech.

Can you doubt that the textbooks will be far behind? Any depictions of “families” in schoolbooks will have to include a certain proportion of homosexual “marriages” as positive role models.

Television programs will start to show homosexual “marriages” as wonderful and happy (even as they continue to show heterosexual marriages as oppressive and conflict-ridden).

The propaganda mill will pound our children with homosexual marriage as a role model. We know this will happen because we have seen the fanatical Left do it many times before.

So when our children go through the normal adolescent period of sexual confusion and perplexity, which is precisely the time when parents have the least influence over their children and most depend on the rest of society to help their children grow through the last steps before adulthood, what will happen?

A nation of burly dykes and butt fuckers. Super.

…society will bend all its efforts to seize upon any hint of homosexuality in our young people and encourage it.


most parents regard schools — an institution of the state that most directly touches our children — as the enemy, even though we like and trust the individual teachers — because we perceive, correctly, that schools are being legally obligated to brainwash our children to despise the values that keep civilization alive.

A lot of people in Eastern Europe, once they’ve become comfortable with me, ask questions about the weird things going in America, including homosexual marriage. It just doesn’t compute in their mind how homosexuals can get married. I wish I could give them a clear answer of why this is being allowed which involves some logic, but there is no logic. “The American culture is crazy,” I say, and leave it at that. It’s this craziness that is absolutely destroying the family in the West. Considering that one of the goals of communism was to replace the family unit with the state, it makes you wonder what side of history we’re falling on.

America Is Becoming A Homosexual NationIf you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

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