13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

Since swallowing my first dose of the red pill over a year ago, I’ve noticed quite a lot of terrible behavior from both genders.  While I previously wrote 20 Things Women Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated, feminists screamed bloody murder and called for my head.  However, women aren’t the only ones at fault for poor behavior in our world today.  I have little to no doubt though, that men will take this list of items and give it some real thought and consideration, rather than rationalizing that they could never do the wrong thing like thousands of women did over my previous article.

Men, I hope you can use this list to guide you towards being a better man.  I present to you…

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

1. Being a nice guy

Might as well get the obvious one out of the way first.  Let’s make it clear: there is nothing wrong with being a nice, genuine person.  There is a problem with wearing it like a soldier would wear a badge of honor after returning home from war.  Just because you got friend-zoned because you put your high school crush on a pedestal doesn’t mean you get to walk around spitting bitterness at the world, claiming that nice guys finish last.  Learn to be more of a man to balance out your niceness, and your life will improve in all facets.

2. Doing household chores

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

Doesn’t the above photo make you cringe in disgust?  I look at this and immediately think of him as a boy who probably gets whipped by his wife.  As a man, you will get more respect from the ladies in your life if you do manly chores: changing the oil, mowing the lawn, and fixing the plumbing.  My uncle (my cunt-of-a-cousin’s father) washes the dishes every single night while his wife sips wine on the couch.  Trust me, everybody knows who wears the pants in that relationship.

3. Idolizing sports figures

Don’t get me wrong, all men need a role model to look up to.  Athletes are in the spotlight and are automatically thrust into that role, no matter how disqualified they are to do so (looking at you, A-Rod).  If you think about it though, why have these athletes done to deserve being idols?  The fact that LeBron James can throw a basketball throw a hoop with unfathomable force, or that Tom Brady can throw a damn good spiral, doesn’t mean you should be on your knees worshiping them.  What have they done to deserve it?  If you think about it, it’s hardly different than chasing after a girl simply because she has a vagina.  Remember, take them off the pedestal.

Stop celebrating your favorite athletes and teams like your life depends on it.  Get out and build something interesting with your own hands, rather than standing in the shadow of glory cast out by those who were simply lucky to be born with more natural talent.

4. Sticking it out at a shitty job

Why you would ever do something that makes you miserable is beyond me.  I get it, it’s scary to leave behind the comfort of a full-time career, with the 401k and medical benefits.  Personally, I happen to like my job.  I enjoy a good challenge.  But I’ve realized early on that nothing is worth selling your soul for.  So rather than having everyone celebrate you because you stick it out at the career you hate, and all you want to do is tell your boss to shove it, be ashamed of the fact that you’re not man enough to walk away from a situation you’re unhappy with.

Always do what is best for YOU.

5. Being a hipster

Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20’s and 30’s that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.

Skinny jeans?  Check.  “Independent thinking”, so of course, 100% liberal?  Check.  Oh, and don’t even get me started about those fixie bikes.  These bikes, generally speaking, don’t have brakes.  Yes, it’s so cool that you ride a bike that you literally can’t stop in case of an emergency, bro.

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

6. Bringing flowers

You can get away with bringing a girl flowers if it comes from the right frame.  In today’s society though, flowers usually telegraph the following words (see #1):

“I screwed up, and I really don’t want to lose access to your vagina…so I hope these make it better so I can put my dick in you again…soon.  Please?  Are they not nice enough?  No…okay…what else can I do to make it better?”

7. Bad game

Trying isn’t good enough. We’ve all seen the loud, obnoxious drunk guy at the bar hitting on everything in sight.  What’s worse is when you see his buddies in the background rooting him on.  His bad game rubs off on everyone, as the girls get bitchier and more entitled from the free drinks, or are just turned off completely by all guys due to the piss-poor level of game being thrown at them.  Rather than encouraging his drunken charades, encourage him to read this entire website and then hit the town again.

8. Buying dinner on a first date

We’ve all heard the girls that say, “I don’t put out until he takes me to a nice dinner!”  Well, dear, that’s basically prostitution isn’t it?  Men, don’t support this.  Stop listening to the garbage advice females give you about relationships.  Drinks in a dive bar, then a venue bounce back home are all it takes to seal the deal.

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

9. Being able to drink a lot

I get it, I get it.  It’s a right of passage, a male ritual.  However, should we really be encouraging men to be able to pour copious amounts of liquid poison down their throats?  It’s not healthy in any way, so maybe we shouldn’t always celebrate our drunken nights which end up with our heads in a toilet bowl.

(Of course this line was written as I’m drinking a beer.)

10. “Happy wife, happy life”  

How often do you hear this and the husband is absolutely miserable?  The minute you put her happiness in front of your own is the minute that the relationship is probably doomed to fail.  Men, your needs always come first.

“But Troublemaker, she wants me to make her haaaapyyyyyyy!!”

Then I hope you’re happy begging for sex like a dog drooling over the leftover chicken drumstick.

11. Dating way older women

Feminists like to shame men for dating hot, nubile 18 year old girls, but, we really ought to shame the guys throwing away their sexual value by dating 55 year old cougars.


12. Video games, the world’s most pathetic “hobby”

There are millions of better hobbies that will result in better health, more impressive skills, and to top it off, more girls in your life.  Pick up a guitar, race a triathlon, learn a new language, anything but running around as a terrorist and shooting people with guns.

Nobody cares how good you are Counter-Strike or Warcraft.

13 Things Men Should Be Shamed For, Not Celebrated

13. Being a beta/white knight/mangina/overall pussy

There’s a reason Return Of Kings exists.  Welcome to the red pill—your life is about to get a hell of a lot better.

Read More: 20 Things Women Do That Should Be Shamed, Not Celebrated


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