It’s time to bust open the doors on gaming and address the elephant in the room: how does a guy with acne go out and successfully approach girls? Unless you have the skin of a newborn and have never had a pimple in your life, then you know that dreaded feeling of waking up one morning and looking in the mirror in horror at the planet of a pimple that has decided to wreak havoc on your weekend plans.
I have never seen anyone lay out a plan on how to deal with this very real ‘problem’, so here is a breakdown on what to do. Whether you struggle with having acne or you get the occasional blemish, it’s time for men to have a blueprint for gaming success, regardless of the condition of their skin.
Popular Pete vs. Pimply Paul
Pete and Paul both have acne. Oddly enough, Pete is quite popular among his social circles and still pulls girls frequently despite having acne. Although he has acne similar to Pete’s, Paul is shunned by people and never gets laid. What is the difference?
The key to Pete’s success, despite his flaw, is that he doesn’t allow a skin blemish to wreck his confidence. Obviously, having acne can hurt one’s confidence, but here is where the difference is: Pete’s confidence comes from WITHIN. He is not basing the entirety of his confidence on his external looks. This principle is similar to when you see an average looking guy who is overweight, pull like Derek Jeter at a Victoria Secret Fashion Show. The overweight guy has rock-solid confidence and confidence is the #1 Most Attractive Quality to a female.
The lack of success on Paul’s part with women and being popular is that he allows his acne to DEFINE who he is. Let’s face it (no pun intended), acne sucks. It’s annoying as fuck.
My Story
While I was never hit with extreme acne, I know what it feels like to have breakouts that caused me to stay confined in my pad and not resurface until it cleared up. The key for me overcoming this, was what happened on my high school graduation day.
Yep, the day of graduation I woke up to a small planet sized pimple right on my fucking nose. Panic hit me like never before. I couldn’t fucking believe it. This wasn’t a date I could reschedule. Fuck my life I thought. Add to this, that I was giving a speech to the entire school!
Panicked I ripped through my mother’s makeup drawer trying to find some cover-up that would minimize the redness of the pimple. Nothing matched. I paused for a second and looked in the mirror silently cursing the Pimple god’s for smiting me with this on this very important day. Then it struck me: No way in hell was I going to allow this fucking skin eruption to fuck up a very important day for me. “I’m Christian fuckin McQueen”, I thought, “Fuck this pimple. I’m going to rock this speech and have a great day regardless”.
I delivered a speech that was talked about for literally years after. I had almost every parent in the audience in tears and a pack of girls waiting off the stage when I walked off to greet me and offer congratulations for kicking serious ass. There was never a mention of the pimple and by the reactions of the girls, I’m not sure if they even noticed. I had an amazing high school graduation and the pimple never got in the way.
A man must define himself by his inner confidence. It’s true that outward looks, strength, money and status can build your confidence, but it must be grounded in knowing your worth no matter what. Start by knowing your worth and really believing that you have high value. This inner strength will radiate externally and those stubborn skin problems won’t get in the way as much as you think.
Make A Plan To Get Your Skin Clear
With all the products out there, start experimenting with different skin cleaners. If you have extreme acne, then consult with a dermatologist and find out what your options are. If you have acne and you just let it go, without addressing your diet and skin rituals, than that’s pure laziness. Don’t let acne handicap you, but be taking active steps to get your skin clear for YOURSELF.
One trick that worked for me, was juicing. I would juice carrots and bell peppers and drink one glass every night. Talk about clearing my skin up! Also, ProActive worked for me. It may not work for everyone, but look into different options and make a plan for skin success.
Having acne for some will be a struggle to get rid of, however, don’t stop gaming or refuse to leave the house. Embrace the problem and be social, because I can guarantee that if you can be confident with acne, your game will skyrocket even more when your skin is clear. Finding strength in weakness will only cause you to be even stronger.
To recap:
- Acne sucks dick, BUT, don’t let it define you.
- Work on building your confidence, DESPITE the acne.
- Make a plan to get your skin clear and stick to it.
- A confident man with acne will be more attractive to a girl, than a clear skinned yellow belly limp wristed un-confident guy. How do I know? Because I’ve experienced it.
Lastly, have you ever heard of the writer and motivational speaker Nick Vujicic? This guy doesn’t have arms or legs and still pulled a fine ass girl who has now become his wife. Look at this pic and then think about your acne…sobering isn’t it? We have no excuses.
Go out and game gentlemen.
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Read More: 4 Steps That Help Build Your Confidence
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