How To Be An Appropriate Slut

How To Be An Appropriate Slut

Recently, a female wrote to Christian and I inquiring about something that is often asked of men like ourselves. Let’s call her Kim. The full text of the email is pasted for your reading enjoyment:

Dear Christian McQueen and Law Dogger,

I thought about sending this to Roosh, but the form requirement of saying that I “agree that most feminists are ugly” seemed a bit petty.  Thus, I’m addressing it to the two of you, since I’m most familiar with your names from reading ROK.

As a female and a regular reader (I know, women aren’t supposed to be allowed, but it’s way too fascinating to pass up), I frequently notice two different points being made, namely:

1. Seek out hot girls who are DTF and if you don’t close, move on.
2. A girl’s value decreases as the number of guys she bangs increases.

It follows that I have a question; what’s a girl to do? The two hardly seem reconcilable.

I’m sure you’re very busy men, but if you get around to answering, I’d be interested in the information.


The answer is quite simple actually and while it may vary from guy to guy, I can at least provide a basic framework by which a girl can present herself in the most favorable light to a red pill man she desires.  Let’s address each of her perceived mutually exclusive points in turn.

Your Fucking Of Me

The first prong of Kim’s inquiry focuses on how fast a girl would have sex with a guy, aka the DTF level (DTF = down to fuck for clarity). This will be guy-dependent, as some guys can handle a girl who sleeps with them on the first meet (such as myself), and others automatically place them in a non-recoverable slut category. My advice: the first date.

This ties into the second prong, but if you fuck on the first date as opposed to the first meet, it gives most men the appearance that it was the guy rather than the circumstance that led to the fucking. With a same night bang you could have just been horny, drunk, angry at an ex, who knows. A first date bang differs slightly however. There is no heat of the moment (at least in the beginning), you are letting this guy work on you, and in the end if you fuck it is more correlated to him personally than the situation. In other words, he won’t feel like if he didn’t hit on you at the bar, you would have just fucked the next guy with decent style and game.

Now let’s say the first meet is at a bar, how are you to act? Spend time with him, be very interested, maybe allow a quick fingering to get your jollies off if you are super horny, but do NOT under any circumstances go home with him and then not fuck him. That is just selfish, as you are taking him out of the sea of fish with no reward. And nothing builds more resentment for a girl than having her on your bed and her not willing to have sex. You may think you are helping your cause by acting innocent, but he will secretly start hating you a little.

On the flip side, never wait longer than the 2nd date. In these times, you are replaceable. For every girl that won’t put out, another one will much quicker and she will be younger and hotter than you. And if you wait for the second date, the first date should have included a blow job.

Now everything is not black and white and these are not hard line rules. The more traditional you are and make yourself out to be, the more likely it is that you do not ding yourself in the eyes of the man for holding out longer. I’ve waited 5-7 dates with Ukrainian and Russian girls before because some of them actually can compensate with real female qualities—they cooked, cleaned, wore heels everywhere, and so on. Or if you look like this girl, most guys will happily wait a few extra dates. Or perhaps you give terrific blowjobs.

There are endless factors to consider, but for the typical American girl which I’m guessing Kim represents, date one is a good benchmark to use.

Your Fucking Of Others

This is so incredibly simple it really boggles my mind every time a girl does not get it. Kim states that a “girl’s value decreases as the number of guys she bangs increases.”  This is a very true statement. But…how does the guy know how many other guys you’ve banged? Only one way, you told him either directly or indirectly.

Directly. Recently I slept with a girl who thought it was cool to talk about all her sexual exploits. She included such gems as:

  • She gets naked when she drinks tequila, then proceeds to tell me how much tequila she’s been drinking the past few weeks
  • How she’s been practicing her blowjob skills
  • About how “wild” she was in high school
  • How she ended up in bed with her friend and another guy one night recently
  • How she slept with another guy quicker than I because she thought of me as a potential boyfriend (**Warning** Never tell a guy you slept with another guy quicker.)

Most of this came after we had sex, and it quickly threw her out of the rotation. As much as we already know how slutty girls are these days, we don’t need to be given direct evidence of the same. Have some damn class.


Some girls accidentally, or maybe purposefully, hint at how slutty they are.  This includes:

  • Talking about how you are not “like that” anymore
  • Having one or more condoms on you at any time
  • Having a box of condoms by your bed
  • Referencing “walks of shame”
  • Discussing your friends’ sexual promiscuity
  • Fielding texts and messages from other guys in front of us

All of these are easily handled. Don’t talk about your sexual past, even if he is dumb enough to ask. If you are insistent on condoms and the guy doesn’t ‘have one with him that’s his fault. Put your damn phone away during the time you are with him.


This just touches upon this one question regarding the speed of sex vs. the history of partners. It does not touch upon an array of other important factors that may influence a man’s decision to keep a girl around (i.e. personality) but that was not part of the question posed. It also assumes you are dealing with men like us, not beta guys who will be shocked at first date sex, care about your educational accomplishments or seek out your sexual past because they think knowing is better.

What is the one thing that most girls instinctively say during a drunken one night stand?  “I’ve never done this before!” Now even though that’s complete bullshit why do girls almost always say this? Because even subconsciously they know that a slutty past is a disqualifier and so this is a last-ditch attempt to preserve that chaste image.

Most of the red pill aware men already assume you are a huge slut. The last time I asked a girl how many guys she’s been with was 2004 and there is a reason for that. There is always a tiny bubble of thought in our minds that while overwhelmed with knowledge and experience to the contrary, still holds on to the ideal that some girls can be good girls. Men are the romantics and we want to be proven wrong; that maybe just maybe you are different. If you come right out and negate this scintilla of hope we have for today’s females, it serves to only substantiate everything we have come to know.

So to answer Kim’s question, the two points are easily reconcilable. A girl can be relatively DTF (aka doesn’t have to be fucking you in the bathroom stall of the club within 30 minutes) and at the same time not broadcast her sexual past, assuming—likely correctly—that she has an extensive one. It really is that simple.

Read Next: Why America Causes Men To Be Unnatural


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