Now that the sun is out and the girls are dressin’ less, most ardent seducers’ minds will turn turn to the fresh tsunami of young hotties that flood the streets of the world’s great cities each summer. While many ROK readers are based stateside, most will have cause to visit London at some point in their business or player lives. This is fortunate, for London is without doubt the greatest city for pick-up in Europe. I explain why below, while proffering some tips for how to go about big pimpin’ in the big smoke.
1. Understand that London is Huge
The first thing to understand is that London is vast, its 8.3 million population only just below that of Manhattan, its surface area over twice as extensive. Sure, that means the population density is half that of the Big Apple, but take it from me, if you’ve ever tried to get on a the subway (or “the tube” as it’s known) here during rush hour then you’ll quickly see that the central districts (where realistically most game will take place, as opposed to the suburbs) are crammed with people. I spend a lot of time in Berlin, the next-largest European city, and believe me, there’s no comparison.
London is easily the largest city in the EU and certainly the largest predominantly English-speaking city in the world after NYC. And as every player knows, size matters. There are literally thousands of opportunities out there every day, and the city’s size cloaks each poon transaction in welcome secrecy.
2. Most Girls You Hit On Won’t Be English
You may have read stories on the internet about English girls being only second to their US counterparts in drunkenness, bitchiness, entitlement and weight gain. You may also have read that they are not very attractive. While it would be unfair to taint all Brit girls with the same brush, and while some are extremely attractive, the truth is that for every Keira Knightly, you also get one of these:
Fortunately, then, not only is London massive, it is also incredibly multicultural. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes book, described it as “that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.” That was in 1887—fast forward 127 years and this phenomenon has only grown exponentially. Make no mistake—this is fantastic news. Economic insecurity in Poland and more recently Spain have meant literally thousands of young hotties have poured in, searching for waitress jobs and excitement. In January 2014, Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants were granted the same rights to work here as those from other EU countries. While this caused some consternation in the far right, UK pussy plunderers rightly rejoiced, for the girls from these countries are among the hottest in the world.
Beyond these nationalities, there are girls from pretty much every country in the world in London, studying, on holiday or looking to improve their career prospects. I’ve pulled Russians, Koreans, Africans and Japanese to name but a few. The streets are a veritable potpourri of different sizes, types and nationalities to suit all tastes, and nearly all speak at least a smattering of English.
3. London Daygame Is Second To None
All of this means that the conditions for daygame in London are arguably the finest on the planet, second only to those in Manhattan. Rightly, this means that the work of players like Krauser and the crew has become renowned. With hindsight it was inevitable that a world-class daygame method should have originated here, given how perfect the conditions are. Visitors, understand this: within an hour and a half of touching down at Heathrow you can be in Oxford Street chatting up a cute Ukrainian girls before smashing her back at your hotel later that night.
Dedicated London practitioners speak warmly of the so-called “golden triangle” which spans from Piccadilly Circus across to Covent Garden then north to Oxford Street, and indeed these areas are packed not only with tourists, but also with workers and regular girls who live in the city hitting up the shops for that night’s club outfit. Topshop in Oxford Circus, which offers cutting-edge fashions at cheap prices is a mecca for girls from all over the world (Topshop recently opened a branch in NYC). This is a place you should visit at least once as the sheer number and quality of girls to be found here is astounding—from models to hipsters to European royalty, every chick wants a piece of the Topshop pie.
4. London Is A City Of Tribes
Beyond the mainstream melee of its center, London is a city of tribes, so know the type of girl you want to meet before you come and then position yourself accordingly. Very roughly, it breaks down like this: for rich English, Arabic and Russian girls, and aristocracy, head for Chelsea and hit up clubs such as Bouji’s (once a favourite of Prince Harry) or Bodos Schloss in Kensington. These places can be hard to get into so it’s worth taking out a membership with a concierge service like TLC beforehand. For Euro-skanks head to Mayfair and check out Mahiki or Project. For hipster girls go East to Shoreditch and Dalston and hit the Hoxton Pony or the Hoxton Bar & Grill. For rock chicks, go north to Koko in Camden. For bottom-of-the-barrel drunken-tourist pump-and-dumps you can’t do better than the meat markets around Leicester Square like Zoo Bar and Tiger Tiger. Like an epicurean faced with a sushi menu, decide on your preferred flavour and then indulge.
5. Logistics Are Not Your Friend
Armed with this insight, you should now make an informed decision on where to stay, because believe me when I tell you that logistics in London are a bitch. This is one spread-out city, so if you pull a girl in Hoxton but you are staying in Ealing then good luck keeping her ‘gina tingles fizzy during the hour-long $100 cab ride back to your spot. Pick a hotel close to the scene you are most interested in targeting. If you want to stay centrally then you can’t go wrong with the W on Leicester Sq, the Soho Hotel or the Sanderson just off Oxford Street. For Mayfair, try the Hilton or the Grovesnor. For a hipper, more laid-back vibe in Shoreditch, I’ve heard great things about the Hoxton Hotel.
Black cabs are usually plentiful depending on the time of night and your location, and can be flagged down in the street, but it’s also worth downloading the Addison Lee app which allows you to order a car at any time day or night via your Smartphone.
6. The London Underground Is A Goldmine
Underutilized even by players who live here, the subway system here is an absolute goldmine when it comes to meeting women, simply because it is the city’s great leveler. Everyone uses it at least sometimes, even celebrities—it is only the super-rich who eschew it altogether. I have probably pulled as many lays from the tube as I have from clubs in my time here. Forget the meme that Londoners are unfriendly: most girls travelling to and from work are as bored as hell and welcome a well-calibrated approach if you are well-dressed and confident. One good idea is to open on the platform before you both get on the train. That way you can continue the conversation in the carriage easily without her getting embarrassed, as no one need know you just met. Another thing you must always do is ask early on where she’s getting off, then plan to either get her number in good time, or alight with her for an insta-date.
Hopefully these pointers should help make your trip to London a successful one, but if you have any questions be sure to hit me up before you come.
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