How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

Football season is officially upon us, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t as excited as a kid on Christmas day. There are certain corners of the manosphere that more or less frown upon being a sports fan. While I disagree with this sentiment, I will readily admit that there is some truth to the adverse effects of being an extreme fanatic who lives and dies with his team. There are varying degrees of one’s devotion to sports but I probably fall somewhere in the middle.

My discovery of the red pill triggered a lot of changes in my life. Not putting pussy on a pedestal, my ongoing quest to teach myself Spanish, and taking up outdoor hobbies are just a few things that have changed my life for the better. I’ve also made sacrifices, but sports fandom isn’t one of them.

The past year, however, has me seriously considering drastically scaling back my consumption of the American sports buffet. All of us can attest to seeing things differently after digesting the red pill. For example, I have identified an exponential increase in pussification in sports with both the overall narrative and rule changes, most notably in the country’s most popular and profitable league, the NFL. Here are a few shining examples of why sports is starting to leave a very bad taste in my mouth.

The Washington Redskins

One of the issues du jour on the professional sports landscape is the ongoing debate over the NFL’s Washington Redskins team name and whether or not it’s offensive to Native Americans. Before I get into this, let me go ahead and disclaim allegiances by saying this issue doesn’t matter to me because I am not a Native American, nor am I a fan of the Washington Redskins.

This feud goes back a few years but has gained considerable steam, and is now at the forefront of many discussions in mainstream media. But what the public at large is grossly unaware of is that the debate isn’t really about the team name. It’s about political correctness and its advocates.

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

Not only have the social justice warriors jumped on the bandwagon demanding the name be changed, but sports pundits have taken up the cause as well. What’s more is that once again, the media is pandering to the minority. This has always been the case with hot-button issues in the states, but seeing it seep into the sports landscape is troubling.

The fact is that of the 500+ Native American tribes only 1 seems to have a problem with the Redskins team name, according to research. If most of these tribes were offended by this name I could certainly understand the gripe. But Chris Cooley proved this is simply not the case when he visited actual Native American tribes. The tribes that have been questioned about the Redskins name were either unaware of the debate, didn’t care at all, or said they were more concerned with health care and the education of their people. The video below is compelling in these regards. Watch the white knighting go full-throttle after thorough, anecdotal research is presented by Cooley—for it is a microcosm of how sports has become sickeningly beta:

Political Correctness is a parasite that has ravaged American Culture for decades. It is the calling card of these so-called freedom fighters. The truth is more than 99% of people squawking about how the offensive the name Redskins is aren’t affected at all. They simply jump on whatever PC bandwagon they can to feel good about themselves for fighting against “The Man” (e.g. the ridiculous occupy Wall Street fad).

So now that self righteous zealots are once again making a mountain out of a molehill in the name of selfishness, let’s take a look at another situation that got the oversized panties of feminists in a bunch and compelled white knights to predictably follow in their cankle-laden footsteps.

The NFL’s overreaction to the public pressure over the Ray Rice situation

The Ray Rice domestic violence case has been well documented and covered in sports and mainstream media. To summarize, Ray Rice, running back for the Baltimore Ravens, knocked his then-fiancée unconscious in an elevator. The usual outrage ensued with feminists everywhere calling for him to be kicked out of NFL for life, castrated, hung in the village square, and the like. That outrage increased exponentially when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended him for the first 2 games of the 2014-2015 NFL season which, apparently, wasn’t enough to appease the angry mob.

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

McGinnis’s article has all the details, but now the plot thickens. Because of public pressure the NFL has a new policy regarding domestic violence situations: First offense is a 6-game suspension. Second offense and you’re banned for life. And now that the video of Rice actually striking Palmer in the elevator has come to light, he’s been released by the Ravens in the prime of his career and Roger Goodell has suspended him indefinitely.

Of course the blue pill sports pundits have hailed the decision and seem to be backing this draconian edict, as well as the Ravens’ decision to terminate his contract, but they still want more blood, using phrases like “The NFL was late to the party on this” and “There should be more to come for Rice.” They don’t even want any other NFL team even giving him a shot. Never mind the fact that those same personalities joked and chuckled when Solange attacked Jay-Z in an elevator. They have also completely ignored the fact that Hope Solo, goal keeper for the women’s U.S. National Soccer team, is back on the playing field after being in court to answer for domestic violence charges against her.

This overreaction is becoming commonplace in the world of sports, and it’s sickening. Taking away something a man’s livelihood simply to appease public outrage is ridiculous, especially for something that has as much gray area as domestic violence. Many think the NFL is trying not to alienate its female fan base with this announcement. I’m no economist, but if every woman in America stopped watching football I’m fairly confident the NFL wouldn’t suffer any significant profit loss.

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

Don’t misunderstand me—I’m certainly not advocating men beating their wives for no reason at all, but I’m not going to say it’s okay for a man to take a beating from a woman without, at the very least, trying to defend or separate himself from her. This becoming increasingly difficult to do, as women will now often block a man’s way out of a potentially volatile situation or attack him in a space where an exit is not readily available, such as a moving automobile or an elevator a la Solange. Trust me, this is no accident—females are keenly aware of their surroundings and won’t hesitate to exploit them to their benefit.

The NFL has literally made it open season on its most valuable asset and surprise, surprise, two domestic violence accusations have already been made against 49ers Ray McDonald, and Jets receiver Quincy Enunwa less than a week after the new policy was put in place. You can bet your bottom dollar that more are on the way, and if you think for one second this is just a coincidence, think again.

It won’t be long before the NBA, NHL, and MLB follow suit. Before we know it, there won’t be any players on the field worth talking about.

Jonathan Martin

Last season former Miami Dolphins offensive lineman Jonathan Martin quit the team, citing emotional reasons. The reader’s digest (and politically incorrect) version is that some of his teammates were busting his balls and he couldn’t handle it. Period. When the details came to light there was a media firestorm vilifying the “poisonous locker room culture” throughout professional sports, namely football because it’s the sport that exhibits the most machismo.

Ultimately the conversation veered into the realm of bullying, hazing, and “harassment” in sports. Sportscasters, radio talk show hosts, and TV personalities lined up to pile on Richie Incognito (below on the right), the main source of Martin’s heckling. When the smoke finally cleared, the Dolphins released Incognito and Martin sat out the entire 2013 season. One of the most telling aspects of the fallout from this ordeal is that Martin has been picked up by the San Francisco 49ers, while Incognito has yet to be signed by another team.

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

Incognito’s current exile is a direct result of the blue pill mindset that is now prevalent in today’s NFL. The wall-to-wall coverage was hard enough to stomach, but the narrative stating that testosterone-fueled 25-year-olds need to be more cognizant of each other’s feelings was outright laughable.

This entire “tragedy” could have been avoided had Martin, who stands 6’5” and weighs over 300 lbs, known how to assert his dominance, which shouldn’t be hard for a guy his size. But because he was raised by a weak father in a blue pill household he had no idea how to do so. How do I know he had a weak father, you ask? Because he chose to tattle on Incognito by texting his parents about his bully, rather than just kicking his ass for talking shit about his sister and mother.

In the end the media and the NFL took Martin’s side, but the overwhelming majority of the players did not. They understand that hazing and ball-busting is a part of life for men.  It’s a rite of passage of sorts. We give each other shit. It’s what we do. It’s good to see that most players see it that way, but the response from everyone else tells me that the lid is rapidly tightening on masculinity in the National Football League. When it finally snaps shut, who knows what the game will look like?

(Dis)honorable Mentions

The increase in feminine presence at sports desks and sport talk radio shows that this runaway train isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Mixing the rationalization hamster-laden female opinion with the simple, straightforward male analysis of professional sports is nothing short of a headache (for the record, I am 100% in support of hot sideline reporters as all they have to do is report the facts and look good).

How White Knighting Is Killing The NFL

Another shiv in the ribs of masculinity is NFL teams wearing pink gear for the entire month of October to bring more awareness to breast cancer. Breast cancer sucks, no doubt about it, but trust me, we’re aware. Everybody is aware. Pink ribbons covering everything in sight and the countless TV specials year-round have made sure of that.

But what about prostate cancer, a disease that affects men? September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month but do you see NFL teams and players sporting light blue gear during that month to bring awareness to something that could affect them directly? Negative. They’re forced to wear a feminine color for four games because women are so damned valuable and should be treasured, even if it means ignoring a disease that kills thousands of men every year.

In Closing

There are few things I enjoy more than having my buddies over to watch a full slate of NFL games on fall Sunday afternoons. Drinking brews, talking about girls, and arguing about whose team has the best QB is male bonding at its best. But receivers wearing pink gloves while the commentators drone on about the growing epidemic of domestic violence and crimes against women during the game is beginning to wear very thin on me, and I’m willing to bet I’m not the only man who feels this way.

Watching and following sports is something I’ve taken refuge in since I was a kid. It used to be a welcome alternative to following sensationalized mediums like local news and politics. But the increasing PC overtones on issues like this is making my longtime passion nearly unrecognizable. The NFL’s popularity and loyal following is growing by the second, but if the white knighting and female pandering continues at this alarming rate, it may soon have one fewer fan.

Read Next:  How Hypocrisy Prevents True Gender Equality


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